Sunday, July 1, 2007


The Angel of July brings a season of leisure,

a time to play and replenish our energy.

The projects we began in the spring

should be well underway

and growing stronger on their own.

July's angel urges us to take the time, now,

to step back and observe what we have planted.

The July angel encourages us to tend

the garden of our life,

to care for what we have started,

and to be objective enough to weed

out the unhealthy or unproductive elements.

This angel of summer reminds us to nurture

the people and things that bring us happiness,

so we can produce for ourselves a crop

of joy and fulfillment.

Hot July brings cooling showers,

apricots and yellow flowers, firecrackers, flags,

picnics and parties that help us herald the birthday

 of our country.

Author Unknown


R & R day is here once more. I’m taking every opportunity to be refreshed and renewed so I can start a new work week again.

Each Sunday I do thank the dear Lord for the many blessings He gives me and I pray for all those that are dear to me and also for the ones that are not so dear.

Every day is a day of prayer for me but on Sunday I try to take time to do some more heavy duty praying.

My maternal Grandmother always sat down and took time to study the lesson for the day before going off to church. I can remember her sitting quietly in their front room with her Bible in her hand.

She was my hero and if I could give my children and grandchildren just half of the wonderful things to remember that she has for me, it would be a good thing.

We celebrate the 4th of July here on Wednesday, so I’ll be having a break in the middle of the work week. Next Saturday I hope to be able to visit the campers for the 1st time this year. We’ll see how the week progresses.


Faith supplies staying power... Anyone can keep going when the going is good, but some extra ingredient is needed to keep you fighting when it seems that everything is against you.

Norman Vincent Peale

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !



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Anonymous said...

Like yours my Grandmother played a big part in my growing up ,so alot of good lessons learned ,and hopefully some to pass on ,have a blessed Sunday Jan xx

Anonymous said...

You know I always hated two things on teh fourth ONE that you if it falls mid week it sure makes the work week weird lol and two if they give you a day off it should be the day after since your out late andtired the next day dragging. To me productivity would be better on the day off since most stuff happens after 5 than the day after. I seem to hear everyone agreeing with this but it never seems to change

Anonymous said...

I never had the pleasure of my Grandmother she died before I was born,but I have always wished I had.I have always tried to do so much for my own Grandchildren,so like you, they too will have fond memories of there Grandma.I am happy you will get the midweek break.I hope you enjoy the day off.I take it lots of celebrations will be going off there over the pond.Take Care God Bless Have a lovely Sunday.Kath

Anonymous said...

I have just got back from my R & R, i hope you enjoyed yours.
Jenny <><

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoy your day today and have a good week.

Anonymous said...

Have a blessed day of rest and a great week to come. :)