Wednesday, July 4, 2007



As red as a fire,

As blue as the sky,

As white as the snow--

See our flag fly!

Three pretty colors

Wave at the sky,

Red, white and blue

On the Fourth of July!

Red, white and blue

Those colors are,

And every state

has its very own star.

Hold up the flag

 Hold it up high,

And then say,

"Hurrah, For the Fourth of July!"

Author Unknown

You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw Frisbees, the potato salad gets iffy, and the flies die from happiness. You may think you have overeaten, but it is patriotism.

Erma Bombec

"America the beautiful" ...

May it always stay that way;

But to keep "Old Glory" flying,

There's a price that we must pay.

For everything worth having

Demands work and sacrifice,

And freedom is a Gift from God

That commands the highest price.

For all our wealth and progress

Are as worthless as can be,

Without the Faith that made us great

And kept our country free.

Nor can our nation hope to live

Unto itself alone;

For the problems of our neighbors,

Must today become our own.

And while it's hard to understand

The complexities of war,

Each one of us must realize

That we are fighting for

The principles of freedom

And the decency of man,

And as a Christian nation

We're committed to God's Plan.

And as the Land of Liberty

And a great God-fearing nation.

We must protect our honor

And fulfill our obligation.

So in these times of crisis

Let us offer no resistance,

In giving help to those who need

Our strength and our assistance.

And "The Stars and Stripes Forever"

Will remain a symbol of

A rich and mighty nation

Built on Faith and Truth and Love.

Helen Steiner Rice



I really do appreciate the freedoms we enjoy in the USA and am very thankful for them.  I can’t say enough about the men and women that work so hard to protect our freedom. My # 2 son is in the military and I’m so very proud of him ! I pray for him and all those in the military every day. They give up a lot to keep us safe.

On my way home from work there is a house with a huge banner flying that says ‘FREEDOM ISN’T FREE’. It does cost a lot. Lives are heroically given every day . Many our young men and women have lost their sight or their limbs. Families are separated and many children won’t see one or both of their parent’s for months on end..

Yes it cost our country lots of $$$ to fund all this, but the cost is much greater than money can buy.


He who comes forth with a fifth on the Fourth

May not come forth on the Fifth.

Quoted in Dear Abby

Cute but true – if you are drinking alcohol always have a designated driver.

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !




Anonymous said...

What a lovely tribute for your Wonderful Country.I have enjoyed sharing this with you today.I hope you get a few smiles and lots of sunshine too to brighten your day.Enjoy your 1 day well earned rest.Take Care God Bless America.KATH

Anonymous said...

Have good 4th Jan xx

Anonymous said...

may you and all our men in the services have  awonderful fourth of july

Anonymous said...

Love your quotes.  God Bless you and God Bless all those who serve to preserve.

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th to you and your family!  Prayers for your son in the service and  may he stay safe.  Joni

Anonymous said...

Happy Fourth of July!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a great 4th of July.  May your son keep safe.  Hugs, Terry x