Thursday, July 5, 2007



Sooner or later, wise people discover that life is a mixture of good days and bad, victory and defeat, give and take.

They learn that it doesn't pay to be a sensitive soul - that they should let some things go over their heads like water off a duck's back.

They learn that whoever loses his/her temper usually loses.

They learn that all persons have burnt toast for breakfast now and then, and that they shouldn't take the other individuals grouch too seriously.

They learn that the quickest way to become unpopular is to carry tales and gossip about others.

They learn that most people are human and that it doesn't do any harm to smile and say "good morning" even if it is raining.

They learn that it doesn't matter so much who gets the credit so long as the business shows a profit.

They come to realize that the business could run along perfectly without them.

They learn that no one person ever got to first base alone and it is only through cooperative effort that we move on to better things.

They learn that their co-workers are not any harder to get along with in one place than another, and that "GETTING ALONG" depends about 98% on themselves.


The message above can apply to our everyday lives at home just as well as it does in a work place. LIFE does take GETTING ALONG with each other. If we don’t work at a relationship, it won’t work for us.

When the 'babes' were home we tried to get together around the dining room table at least once a month, sometimes more often , for our family council. Everyone from the youngest to the oldest got to take a turn.

Sometimes that had complaints about the jobs around the house they had to do. Sometimes they needed help with something. It was good for all and I’m sure many things were talked about if we hadn’t taken the time to sit down and listen to each other.

Taking time to make someone feel special and giving them the chance to express their wants and needs openly makes such a difference.

I did start my new journal called THE NEXT 20 YEARS so if you’d like to take a look here is the link

Some of my younger readers probably won’t care for it because it’ll be about me getting older and what I’m doing to get by as the oldest member of my immediate family. Well that’s what I am and I know that the next 20, just like the past 20 is going to fly by, so I thought I’d better write it all down.


To get up each morning with the resolve to be happy . . . is to set our own conditions to the events of each day. To do this is to condition circumstances instead of being conditioned by them.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

May your day be blessed by a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !




Anonymous said...

OH I HOW I WISH we could all get along Its very sad and heart breaking  when one tries and the other just cant follow thru

Anonymous said...

We certainly do learn and also something new every day.I go along with the fourth one very much in my life.It is very good advise.My Father always taught me A wise head keeps a still tounge and so true it is.Thankyou for your new link.I have added it quicly to my alerts and so look forward to reading it for the next twenty yrs LOL!! I think the only thing that will stop me is AOL,because I am here for another 20yrs too I hope Haa.Too true it will go very quickly.Lots of sunshine to you I send today YEHHH the rain has stopped and I hope you get a few smiles on the way.I know you have had one early this morning,before you set off to work LOL!! Thankyou for all your kind comments I do so appreciate them.Take Care God Bless KATH

Anonymous said...

Getting along really is an art, isn`t it?
I`m off to see your new journal.
I really enjoyed your 4th of July entry also! :)