Sunday, March 30, 2008


Life is short, spring into action and live today’s beginning


I think these difficult times

have helped me to

understand better than

before how infinitely rich

and beautiful life is in every way,

and that so many things

that one goes around worrying about

are of no importance


Isak Dinesen

Worries keep us blind to the beauty that is in all of our lives all of the time. When my mind is focused on possible problems, how in the world can I expect to see beautiful things?


I cannot even begin to tell you the things I’ve worried about over the years…How silly of me to think that my worrying would fix anything at all.

Stewing about something usually makes it worse than it really is. And if it is the worst thing that ever happened to you, worrying about it will not make things right again.

I must say I really learned my lessons very well, and I rarely worry anymore. I’ve learned instead to count my blessings and accept each day as it comes. In fact I try to celebrate each day and thank the good Lord for it.

My advice to anyone that has a worry. Most people do you know. Put the worries in the hands of our Father in heaven. Leave them with Him. Count your blessings each day. Enjoy the moments you have and make the most of them.

You are all in my thoughts and prayers today. I’m off to church for my weekly dose of R & R and I hope you will be refreshed and renewed too for they busy week ahead.


I believe God is managing affairs and that He doesn't need any advice from me. With God in charge, I believe everything will work out for the best in the end. So what is there to worry about?

Henry Ford

May your day be filled with blessings

As new as Spring

As fragrant as flowers

As full as your heart can hold.




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Anonymous said...

Thank you.
Enjoy your day..
Hope you get some rest...

Anonymous said...

My Mom called herself a "Worry wart" and I think I inherited that from her. Great entry!
Hugs..Pam xoxox

Anonymous said...

I know, I know, and yet there I go again, lol....
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

I get upset at times but does not take me too long to get over it. lol Running late on comments... have a blessed week. Janie

Anonymous said...

Not worrying is a good thing!
