Friday, March 28, 2008


Life is short, spring into action and live today’s beginning


If I had my life to live over,

I'd dare to make more mistakes next time.

I'd relax, I would limber up. I would be sillier than

I have been this trip. I would take fewer things seriously.

I would take more chances. I would climb more mountains

and swim more rivers. I would eat more ice cream and less

beans. I would perhaps have more actual troubles,

but I'd have fewer imaginary ones.

You see, I'm one of those people who lived sensibly

and sanely, hour after hour, day after day.

Oh, I've had my moments, and if I had to do it over again,

I'd have more of them.

In fact, I'd try to have nothing else. Just moments,

one after another, instead of living so many years

 ahead of each day. I've been one of those persons

who never goes anywhere without a thermometer,

a hot water bottle, a raincoat and a parachute.

If I had to do it again, I would travel lighter than I have.

If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier

in the spring and stay that way later in the fall.

I would go to more dances. I would ride more merry-go-rounds.

I would pick more daisies.

This passage is attributed to Nadine Stair, who was 85, 87, or 89 when she wrote it, depending on the source.

Of course, you can't unfry an egg, but there is no law against thinking about it

I see my life as a long series of chapters, and many of those chapters are long gone. There are, however, chapters in the future, and how will I live those?

What will I do with the days left to me? Today definitely is the first day of the rest of my life, so I have many things that I can do with my life between now and the last day. I don't have to commit myself to a ton of responsibilities, and I don't have to follow the "rules" in everything I do.

Maybe I can't find a merry-go-round to ride, but I can sit on a nice park bench and enjoy the scenery


Yes, it is finally F R I D A Y! The office is clean and shinny and my jobs are done for the week, so I can now enjoy my weekend.

I don’t know exactly what I’m going to be doing, but it will be something I enjoy for sure. After the past two weekends spent celebrating Easter with my family here and there…lots really does need to be done here at home.

I won’t be working too hard though, as I want to have some fun time too.


The need to make wise choices encompasses every area of our lives. Since we have time for only a limited amount of stuff, we need to choose wisely what stuff we're going to allow to take up that time. Since we have only a limited amount of time to spend with friends or to engage in leisure activities, we need to choose our friends and our activities wisely.

Elaine St. James

May your day be filled with blessings

As new as Spring

As fragrant as flowers

As full as your heart can hold.





Anonymous said...

Can you nudge up a bit, so I can sit beside you on that bench .....if only ,wouldnt we have alot to chat about ,I would love it Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the weekend!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Awww you are finally off of work and a couple of free days! Ya! Bet it sure does feel good. I have tons of house work to do since my husband retired. Sooo easy to sit down when he sits down!! Ugh! We went to 2 hardware stores today and ate at Cracker Barrel. Those are things men like to do. lol Have a wonderful weekend and have some great fun. God Bless, Janie

Anonymous said...

I bet you had a wonderful weekend ;-)
