Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Life is short, spring into action and live today’s beginning

If you keep your nose to the grindstone rough,

And keep it down there long enough,

In time you will forget there are such things,

As brooks that babble and birds that sing;

And of these will all your world compose:

Yourself, the grindstone, and your poor old nose.

Author Unknown


It is so true that we need to be persistent and get all those things done that must be done…but all work and no play makes one a very dull person.

Before I decided to buy that camper for my ‘little place in the woods’, my vacation days were spent either working on something at home or getting together with my babes for a holiday here and there.

This year I’ll be having some true vacation days and so I’m going to have to find a way to get all those things done so I have my weekend free. There will still be the family holiday get-togethers, but there will be no more work done by me on the weekends this camping season.

When the season will begin is the big question. It could start the 1st weekend in April if weather permits. We’ll just have to wait and see….

Everyone has different ideas about what gives them some rest and relaxation from work, some even think different types of work are restful. I remember my Dad always thought his puttering around the house fixing up this and that was what made him happy.

In order for me to rest I need to get away from the house. Yes, I already do get refreshed and renewed each Sunday when I go to church, but now I’ll also be relaxed and rested. I do enough work from 7-4 most weekdays for sure.

It is a bit strange to think that I work so I can play and if I don’t work, I can’t afford to play.


Gas prices are so high that I can double the value of my car just by filling up.


May your day be filled with blessings

As new as Spring

As fragrant as flowers

As full as your heart can hold.





Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you for your new camper....
and with the sun staying up later, it will motivate you during the week to get a bit more done, to be able to play on the weekend...
Have a great day!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

I too have to get away from home to relax, especially since our office is IN our home.  Even when I'm here there is a constant struggle within me to decide whether to work in the office or the house.

Anonymous said...

It makes for a tired person too. lol I need to get out more without my hubby. lol I miss that time a lone. lol I am sure when weather is better he will be doing things and not mind me leaving. I am sure you are really excited about going camping... it sounds like fun to me. :-) God Bless, Janie

Anonymous said...

I relax better away from home too. There is always something that needs to be done, but if I can't get to it, then I can forget about it until I get back home :-)


Anonymous said...

Im a home bird,  I like to get away ,but love coming back ...love Jan xx