Saturday, September 1, 2007


The Angel of September helps us prepare for the harvest at hand. As the summer draws to a close, September's angel reminds us to pause and gather fresh strength because the culmination of a project often demands one last surge of energy.

The September angel brings us this boost, seeing us through to the fulfillment of our task. This late-summer angel also helps us recognize the fruits of our labors and share with others the bounty of what we have created in our lives.

In September, we take delight in our good fortune, whether in a garden, a relationship, or a career, and we share our joy with all those whose support has made our harvest possible.

Come said the wind to the leaves one day,

Come o're the meadows and we will play.

Put on your dresses scarlet and gold,

For summer is gone and the days grow cold.

 A Children's Song of the 1880's


I am not making much headway, but I’m making a lot of messes not only in the bathroom that I am attempting to paint, but in general all around the house.

My old window in the bathroom has to have a window ladder in place to keep it up and I forgot to secure it before I let go. Ouch! I started the day by having the window fall on my hand. I should have known then that things weren’t going to be going smoothly for me.

For today I plan more painting along with the grocery shopping and the laundry. And I can’t forget I need to go to church this evening because I will be leaving early in the morning to go visit the campers.

As we leave the month of August behind, we are starting a new chapter in the book of life. . We can count on September to bring more changes in our lives and ways we can better celebrate the gifts we’ve been given. We ask for God's help and direction as we start a new month.


I think of life as a good book.

The further you get into it,

the more it begins to make sense.

Rabbi Harold Kushner

  May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !




graphics by:



Anonymous said...

Loved your quote this morning...
take care

Anonymous said...

I am pleased you have made a start on your bathroom ,dont for get what Isaid its all in the preparation ,so dont forget to secure the window lol ,have a lovely day with the family Jan xx

Anonymous said...

well I hpe and pray for no more accidents!!!!!! yeah never fails if Im working I get hurt. But I know it will look wonderful when done

Anonymous said...

Ouch! on the window on your hand...please take care.  Sounds like a busy enjoy!!!
Hugs and love...

Anonymous said...

that must have hurt..... I suppose it was your painting hand too. how is it feeling this morning?  did you manage to get any painting done?  hope today goes well for you

Anonymous said...

Ouch! is right.  I hope the rest of your day passes without further calamities.  I really love your quote.  I enjoy Rabbi Kushner's writings.  You take care now...Gloria, Kevin's mom

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness hope your hand is okay so you can finish your project.  Sounds like you have a lot to do, take it easy and enjoy your day with the campers.  Joni

Anonymous said...

I hope the window is the only problem you run into!  I just cannot believe it's September.  I'm starting to feel really old because my days seem to just rush together and it keeps getting harder to define them.  Sheesh.  Oh, well, we started the month out by cruising for some yard sales!  I'll be going out to the pool here in a little while when there's more sun directly hitting it.  Hope your day goes well!  Later, Linda.  (Friday's Child)

Anonymous said...

You have beautiful graphics. Beautiful song. Oh, in my prayers. Sounds just like something I would do!! Wishing you the best with the painting job. It sounds much easier than it really is. lol Prayers, Janie

Anonymous said...

A new chapter begins... wonder what it will tell....
Hope you have a better finish to the day!!
I am up and have started my list and that is as far as I have gotten, lol...
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

OUCH on the hand! I hope it's ok. Have a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

I hope that your hand gets better soon. That sound's painful.