Thursday, September 20, 2007


Once upon a time Truth went about the streets as naked as the day he was born. As a result, no one would let him into their homes. Whenever people caught sight of him, they turned away and fled.

One day when Truth was sadly wandering about, he came upon Parable. Now, Parable was dressed in splendid clothes of beautiful colors. And Parable, seeing Truth, said, "Tell me, neighbor, what makes you look so sad?"

Truth replied bitterly, "Ah, brother, things are bad. Very bad. I'm old, very old, and no one wants to acknowledge me. No one wants anything to do with me."

Hearing that. Parable said, "People don't run away from you because you're old. I too am old. Very old. But the older I get, the better people like me.

I'll tell you a secret: Everyone likes things disguised and prettied up a bit. Let me lend you some splendid clothes like mine, and you'll see that the very people who pushed you aside will invite you into their homes and be glad of your company."

Truth took Parable's advice and put on the borrowed clothes. And from that time on. Truth and Parable have gone hand in hand together and everyone loves them. They make a happy pair.

From: "Yiddish Folktales,"

It has been well said of the parable that "truth embodied in a tale shall enter in at lowly doors." It abounds in lively speaking figures, and stands midway between the literalism of mere prose and the abstractions of philosophy.

Catholic Encycopedia


Sometimes the truth does seem better if we dress it up a little. Truth be told I like to embellish lots of things about myself. They are often a dressed up version of what is, but non-the-less the truth.

I love to encourage people to look on the ‘bright side’ of life. That is the truth.

I cannot write fancy words so I look for quotes and sayings of others to say what I feel . That is the truth.

I am so thankful for my many blessings and that is also the truth.

Today is THANKFUL THURSDAY so here is my list for this week.

I’m so thankful for the beautiful weather we’ve had this week. Cool nights and pleasantly sunny days.

I’m thankful for my friends and family that warm this old heart better than any sunshine could do.

I’m thankful for the gift of life and the opportunity to celebrate each day

I hope that all of you can find some things to be thankful too And that is the truth !


Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away.

Elvis Presley

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart





Anonymous said...

Im thankful things are getting done for the wedding. But this weather is heating up a bit more than I d like

Anonymous said...

Good morning Ma ~ in Truth I would be thankful for some lovely warm Sunny days ~ Summer seems to have bypassed England this year ~ but I am thankfiul to be fit and well ~ I enjoyed reading your Journal :o) ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Morning!  Great way to start off my work day.  What can I say about parables?  Jesus taught with them and it worked for him!!  :)  Blessings, Linda

Anonymous said...

The Truth....yes, so many people just don't want to face it.  I also am hoping for nice weather this weekend, so I don't freeze at the wedding, but it's looking up.
Hope you have a great thursday and that's the truth.  Joni

Anonymous said...

Great ,todays story Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Once again, you have made my day.  Thanks for that.   :)     Tracy

Anonymous said...

Great story. Soon the weekend will be here and will be some time off for you. Hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with blessings, sunshine, and lots of smiles too. God Bless, Janie