Thursday, September 13, 2007


The difference between appreciation and flattery?

That is simple. One is sincere and the other insincere.

One comes from the heart out; the other from the teeth out.

Dale Carnegie

Young and old, from every life background have an inner, and frequently unidentified, hunger for a bit of expressed goodwill. Dale Carnegie knew this secret over fifty years ago and spent his life reminding others that all people have this need. It's a "craving" to receive validation for their accomplishments, their purpose, and their very person. Carnegie notes that, "... the rare individual who honestly satisfies this heart hunger will hold people in the palm of his or her hand."

Good Morning !

We must never forget that a mere word can make or break a person's spirit. People instinctively know if they're being schmoozed and it's always an ugly thing.

There is a person that comes into the office frequently that always says how nice I look even on my worst days and I know they are just being kind, but on the other hand this same person always calls me Sunshine so, I’ll take that as a complement and let the rest ride. Knowing that they wouldn’t be calling me SUNSHINE if I didn’t have that effect on them.

So while I may not always look the best, my SMILE must make up for all the rest. I love that word schmoozed. It does sound like someone oozing out words doesn’t it.

Today is Thankful Thursday, so here's my list this week:

I'm thankful for the cooler weather

I'm thankful for my continued good health  and that of my family.

I'm thankful for family and friends that never fail to brighten my days

I'm thankful for my job and the ability to do it

And I'm so very thankful for each day and the blessings that come my way!


The Holiday Inn, when looking for 500 people to fill positions for a new facility, interviewed 5,000 candidates. The hotel managers interviewing these people excluded all candidates who smiled fewer than four times during the interview. This applied to people competing for jobs in all categories.

Bits & Pieces

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !



Anonymous said...

What a wonderful interview technique Jan xx

Anonymous said...

yes sometimes the lack of a politness of a returned phone call when someone says its urgent you speak to them.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your Thursday!!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

That's interesting on the Holiday Inn interviews. I'll have to remember that one!
Hope you have a great day.

Anonymous said...

I've been away so long and have missed your sunshine. Hope all is well. Take care my friend.
Love Sylvia x

Anonymous said...

Hmmm interesting about the hotel... but I can understand why. Smiling being friendly, nice, helpful, all those things are great things to look for. Hope you have lots of smiles and sunshine the rest of the week. Blessings, Janie