Sunday, September 2, 2007



23rd Psalm for Busy People

Author Unknown

The Lord is my pace setter, I shall not rush.

He makes me to stop and rest for quiet intervals.

He provides me with images of stillness,

which restores my serenity.

He leads me in ways of efficiency,

through calmness of mind.

And His guidance is my peace.

Even though I have a great many

things to accomplish each day

I will not fret, for His presence is here.

His timelessness,

His all-importance will keep me in balance.

He prepares refreshment and renewal

in the midst of my activity

By anointing my mind with His oils of tranquillity.

My cup of joyous energy overflows.

Surely harmony and effectiveness

shall be the fruits of my hour,

 For I shall walk in the pace of the Lord

and dwell in His house forever


I guess I always have accepted that my lot in life was pretty much planned by the good Lord. Every good thing I have in my life has involved waiting. The waiting never really seemed to bother me, because I had faith that it would happen.

I’ve been waiting for today for quite a while. I love to be outside and I love being with my family. I’ll be leaving about 8:30 this morning and have all my goodies packed and ready to go. I even remembered to charge the camera batteries so I can take lots of pictures.

I’m nearly worn out and need this day away. The bathroom painting should be finished tomorrow. I do not have all my accessories yet, but if time allows I will take pictures of what is done and what I have so far.

The smallest room in my house is this bathroom and after this job, I know I will not tackle another room with out help. I was a little foolish thinking my aging body was up to this kind of work. I’ve used muscles that probably haven’t been used in the last 10 years.

Simple things, like trying to unscrew fixtures, are beyond me. I just put that little sticky tape around them and painted on. Everything could probably use a second coat, but not this time…no way. It will have to do with what it’s got. However I will enjoy it when it’s done.

It will be the BEACH ROOM. My trip to the beach is most often a bubble bath and an ice cream cone…so it is appropriately named.


Allyour life you are told the things you cannot do.

All your life they will say you're not good enough

or strong enough or talented enough;

they will say you're the wrong height

or the wrong weight or the wrong type

to play this or be this or achieve this.

THEY WILL TELL YOU NO, a thousand times no,

until all the no's become meaningless.

All your life they will tell you no,

quite firmly and very quickly.



May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !




graphics by:



Anonymous said...

I loved that version of the Twenty third psalm ,but not as much as the original ..Why cant we admit what we did ten years ago ,we find harder now lol ...Have a lovely day with the family Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I cant wait to see pics of the room and your outingtoday. I sometimes think bigger rooms are easier to paint than small ones. so many details and such and a big room (Not a bathroom with all the things in it) like a bedroom or livingroom is just easier.

Anonymous said...

Love the idea of a beach bathroom.  My daughter just decorated her 2-1/2 yr. old son's bathroom with a Hawaii beach theme. He was born in Hawaii.  Walmart had the cutest accessories -- surf board soap dispenser, tooth brush holder, trash can, and cute towels and shower curtain. She was even able to find matching surf board wallpaper border for the room.  Needless to say he loves his bath time.  Have fun with the family today. Phyllis

Anonymous said...

I look forward to all your the name too.  How nice...perfect!  You have a wonderful day...enjoy!!!
Hugs and love to you.

Anonymous said...

"I was a little foolish thinking my aging body was up to this kind of work"
The mind is willing but the body is not...we tend to learn the hard way, especially at our age...LOL.  I love the name Beach Room...I just happen to love the serene for me.  Hope you enjoy the break from painting.  Look forward to your pictures...Gloria, Kevin's mom

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hope you're having a wonderful day, you deserve it.  Yes, painting is very
hard and I always beg off on the second coat if I can.  I don't paint very ofter, but I should.  Your bathroom will be so pretty.  Joni

Anonymous said...

when you first started talking about painting I thought I would too, but now I don't know. maybe will just try to wash and see how that goes first. :>)  hope you are having a wonderful time with your family today

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers and poem. Yes, I had to stand on a chair to paint. I thin disposable gloves to keep my hand clean. lol Had to do a lot of reaching and bending. I was tired when it was done. Have a wonderful Labor Day. Janie