Friday, August 31, 2007


You have brains in your head.

You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself

any direction you choose.

You're on your own,

and you know what you know.

And you will be the guy who'll

decide where you'll go.

Oh the places you'll go

Dr. Seuss

Good Morning !

Well I’ve got all my supplies, paints and brushes and tape and ladder and rags. Everything I need to do my bathroom painting job today. I went to the store yesterday and picked up the necessities and couldn’t believe I spent almost 100.00 . Paint and brushes are not cheap for sure.

Of course I’ll have left over paint. But then I have several other rooms that need some freshening up, so it will be used. I’ve never been very handy at anything around the house and this is my first painting job in a long long time so I’ll be praying I don’t botch up the whole thing and wish I’d never started.

Like Dr Seuss says in the quote above, I can steer my self in any direction I choose.


If you never did, you should.

These things are fun, and fun is good

Dr. Seuss

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !

Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So... get on your way

Dr. Seuss




graphics by:



Anonymous said...

Morning!  One thing about painting is that even if you do botch it up, it's an easy fix!!  LOL.  Took me forever to get that into my head when I was trying to figure out what color I wanted to paint the family room.  I wanted COLOR!  I finally went with a dark green.  It came out great.  Now, I'm not so afraid to do what I want.  If it turns out I don't like it or down the road I want another change, just repaint.  I know it's a job and the paint does cost money.  But when it comes to decorating it's probably one of the least expensive, most dramatic changes!  Well, I think we're actually going to hit some yard sales this morning.  We started our vacation!  Yippee!!  Have a fabulous Friday!  Later, Linda  (Friday's Child)

Anonymous said...

You wont botch up Im sure, I think secret is in the preparation good luck ,with it Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Im sure you will do great and I cant wait for pics

Anonymous said...

hope your painting goes well today. I should but havent painted for awhile either. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Decorating materials are so expensive today we start out and it's amazing how mush it has cost by the end of the project EEEK!! I hope everything goes fine.Don't do too much at once or it will tell on your muscles afterwards.Sorry I didn't manage to get to yesterday,you were still in my thoughts.Enjoy your labour week/end holiday.Though today will be labourous.. Roll on Monday let meget on that aeroplane LOL!! I hope you get lots of smiles theres one for you and the weather is good to you.Take Care God Bless Kath

Anonymous said...

I find the hard thing about painting is the getting ready, sounds like you have a good start with the right materials.  It will look so nice when you are done, I'm sure you'll be very pleased with yourself.  Not that I'm a big painter, it always seems like such a hugh project to me, but I have some rooms that could use it.
Good luck, just don't spill the paint bucket, LOL.  Joni

Anonymous said...

You'll do great!! I haven't advanced to painting yet, lol, still learning the wall border....
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Cute quote.. and oh so true! Yes, very high and how much did it cost you for gas to get there! lol Sorry just had to throw that in. lol My husband does not put tape on the trim or near the ceiling.. I do and it is so much easier to paint. Lot of work putting up tape but don't have to worry about paint getting on stuff. Wishing you the best with the paint job.. with some fun thrown in with the work. Blessings, Janie

Anonymous said...

I always loved reading Dr. Seuss books to my kids. Good luck painting. I don't think I have ever done it. I would do an awful job. Have a great weekend.