Monday, August 13, 2007


Peace begins within our own being

Where God resides beyond our seeing,

And peace is one thing you’ll never find

When you are at war in your own heart and mind.

Helen Steiner Rice

For my brethren and companions’ sake I will say, “Peace be within you!”

Psalm 122:8

Frustration is a hard one. There needs to be peace in our souls before we can be calm enough to let go of frustration. Negativity can drown out all the good the world has to offer. Always seeing the glass half empty simply hurts your soul, and drains your energy.

Regret does nothing for us. Again, we do what we know how to do, and when we know better, we do better. Acceptance is hard, and beneficial to our own welfare. If we can learn to accept people and situations that happen in our lives, we will be so much more at ease.

Humility is paramount to us keeping ourselves in check. Whatever we do, we should do from the heart, not as a way of getting recognition. If we focus on all these emotions, we should feel pride in ourselves. These feelings and emotions were created by a Higher Power, and I think it’s up to us to learn how to utilize them to the best of our ability. Then, and only then, will we find peace of mind.


I have often wondered why I’ve been given the work I do. It is a sometimes thankless and unfulfilling job I do. Being an office manager for a small contracting company isn’t a job that you would consider worthwhile or earth shaking.

I look at careers like teachers, nurses and religious leaders where they can often see the fruits of their labors, and then look at mine and only wonder, what difference I could have possibly made.

Yet here I am day after day – 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year and as of this year I ‘ll have been there 12 years going on 13. I’m reminded that we all have a purpose in life and we should bloom where we are planted.

So each day I take my ***BIG SMILE*** and put in my 8-10 hour day and come home again only to go to bed and get up again. I’ve accepted that this must be where I’m supposed to be and have more or less made peace with that fact. Some days more, some days less.

One of the most powerful ways by which I can share that peace is through the radiance of my countenance, the peace and joy of the Lord shining forth in all my thoughts and words, my attitudes and actions. May my smile ever say, "Peace be with you!"


There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy.

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894)

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart.



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Anonymous said...

yes many of the workers are tired and out in the heat and dealing with many stesses on those jobs they need your sweet countenance nad you smile. It is important. you may often not know that a worker has a marraiage falling apart or a sick child. AND that day they just do not need one more grumpy person to deal with and your smile is what helps them go thru the door and share that smile with thier family

Anonymous said...

I often say to myself many days when I think of being a pensioner at home when others pensioners work .This must be where God wants me to be.I have tried working many jobs since my family were out of the way and left home.Since I have turned 55 ,and for some reason they have not lasted. This not been any fault of my own.Redundant twice and other things etc.Now at 61 I do often think I have worked so hard in my life,in other ways besides employment as well.He has a path for everyone and the one he gave me throughout my life  has been a very tiring and hard one for many years.So I do say now this is where he wants me.When the time is right he too will put you there.I am sure your job helps many people in life,just the same as the professions you mention.Where would they be without such a dedicated worker who does such a good job.I feel God wants you there for a reason too.Maybe it is for your healths sake I do not know but he certainly knows why....Have  lovely day I hope you get a few smiles along the way and the weather is just as you would like it to be.I love your journal.Take Care God Bless Kath

Anonymous said...

With love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Teachers, nurses and relgious leaders many times feel discouraged as well and wonder if they are making a difference. Personally, I don't think it matters much about what I feel -- if I feel discouraged,  not knowing if I make a difference, not knowing if I have a purpose there. I have faith enough to trust that God has brought me to this place for a reason. If he sees that I no longer have a reason to be there, then I can trust him to move me on to a different place. While you may think that you work in a thankless and unfulfilling job (and we all do sometimes), obviously God thinks otherwise. Maybe he sees something that you can not see. Can you trust him enough to think that you are where you need to be and where he needs you to be?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you're right where you're supposed to be, especially with that "Big Smile:.  Not all of us can have that all the time.  I did feel I was where I was supposed to be the last 15 years, every time I helped someone find that perfect book.  There were many times I just felt, Yes!, this feels so right, but believe me there were other days too.  Thanks for your words today, and just keep smiling.  Joni

Anonymous said...

Amen to this!  Blessings, Linda