Wednesday, August 29, 2007


A Story for you today…

A little girl came home late for supper. Her mother made the expected irate parent's demand to know where she had been. The little girl replied that she had stopped to help Janie, whose bicycle was broken in a fall.

"But you don't know anything about fixing bicycles," her mother responded. "I know that," the girl said. "I just stopped to help her cry."

Not many of us know anything about fixing bicycles, either. And when our friends have fallen and broken, not their bicycles but their lives, NONE of us knows how to fix that.

We simply cannot "fix" someone else's life, even though that's what we would like most to do. But like the little girl, we can stop to help them cry. That is the best we can do. And that is a lot!

By Murray Lancaster


We all have our reasons to cry now and then and I guess that’s one of the main reason’s I try to give you all a SMILE or two each day.

I can’t fix your problems, but I’m here to help you wipe the tears away and perhaps to help chase the blues away with a cheerful word or two.

It’s ‘Over the Hump Day ‘ ! I’m always busy at work on Wednesdays and I am trying to get everything done so I can be off on Friday. That day has been set aside so that I can get my bathroom painted .

I’m going to take before and after pictures so that you all can see it. It is really bad right now. It has wood paneling that has never been painted half way up the walls and I’m painting that white. I can only imagine that the paint will soak in and it may need two coats. I liked the rustic look that it had, but now it’s time for something new.

Then I’ve got a pretty color of blue that was leftover from the kitchen that I’ll paint the walls with. And of course the ceiling needs a new coat of white paint too. The other thing that is going to get painted is the wood around the bathroom mirror. It’s going to be painted black. Then I have a few fake jewel stones that I’m going to hot glue on around the mirror.

I saw a picture in a magazine that had these colors etc in it, so I’m hoping that it all looks half as good when I try to do it. I’ve ordered new bath accessories and have purchased new towels, so when I get done everything will look completely new! I won’t show you the pictures until it’s all done.

Only one more day of my work week left after today and then I’ll really get to work.


What we need is a cup of understanding, a barrel of love, and an ocean of patience.

St. Francis de Sales

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !




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Anonymous said...

Loved the story of the little girl ,I like the sound of your proposed colour sceme for your bath room ,and look forward to the before and after pics and all your new accessories and towels etc  sound exciting (doesnt take much to please us does it lol ? ) Jan xx

Anonymous said...

cant wait till I see your bathroom. It sounds like it will be wonderful. there are base coats that will help it take paint and preserve against moisture

Anonymous said...

Love that little story.  And how true it is.  Just being there for a friend can help.  It is frustrating when you can't "fix" a loved ones problems though!  Wow, your bathroom sounds like it's going to be a showroom!  I'll be waiting for the pics.  Uh, maybe you'll come over and redo mine?  LOL.  Have a great day!  Linda

Anonymous said...

The story of the little girl was so neat, sometimes that's all we can do is be there for someone.  That's the way the people are here in JLand.  I love the idea of what you're doing in the bathroom, blue sounds like a really good color.  You're almost there one more day.  Joni

Anonymous said...

I loved the little story...and how true...
Sounds like a busy time...hope all comes out okay with the bathroom. Have a beautiful day...many hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Your bathroom sounds as though it's going to look realy nice.I hope everything turns out as you would like it to.Don't be doing too much though,painting can even make our limbs pain afterwards.OUCH.The miror project sounds wonderful.i love creating my own things.When I have the time of course.This is something I have in mind to get back to,after my holiday break and less time spent on the computer.Since I joined J/land my creative work seems to have flown out of the window LOL!! It's good to help wipe others tears I agree.You have certainly helped wipe mine many days for which I thank you sooooo much.Even though my nickname is laughing Kath,I still shed many.I love the last quote.I hope you get a few smiles today and the weather is kind to you.Take Care God Bless Kath

Anonymous said...

Thank you for visiting my journal and for your caring and empathetic words.  They were greatly appreciated.  I like the story you shared here.  It's so true...sometimes all we can do is help someone cry and then, like you do here,  pass out a "SMILE or two each day".  I hope you don't overwork yourself painting the bathroom...listen to your body when it speaks at you.  Sounds like it's going to be real nice when you get it done.
From my heart to yours with prayers and blessings and 'On Ya' back atcha...Gloria, Kevin's mom  

Anonymous said...

The roses are beautiful!! Oh yes, we want to fix their lives so much! Just being there to cry with them, I feel like helps. I am sure you are excited about painting your bathroom. I painted both of mine. I covered vinyle paneling and use a oil base paint. It took 2 coats. I really like mine. I painted the ceilings too. Can you tell my husband hates to paint!!! lol That sounds great.. the jewels.. would have never thought of that. May you have a wonderful week with lots of smiles! Blessings, Janie

Anonymous said...

Love the roses.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the new bathroom!!
Linda :)