Thursday, August 23, 2007


Six humans trapped by happenstance in dark and bitter cold, each possessed a stick of wood, or so the story's told.

Their dying fire in need of logs, the first woman held hers tight, for on one face around the fire was one for who she felt spite.

The next man looking 'cross the way saw one not of his church, and couldn't bring himself to give the fire his stick of birch.

The third one sat in tattered clothes; he gave his coat a hitch. Why should his log be put to use, to warm the idle rich?

The rich man just sat back and thought of the wealth he had in store, and how to keep what he had earned from the lazy, shiftless poor.

The next man's face bespoke his greed, as the fire passed from his sight, for what he saw in his stick of wood he would need the next night.

And the last man of this forlorn group did naught except for gain: giving only to those who gave, was how he played the game.

The logs held tight in death's stilled hands, were proof of human sin.

They didn't die from the cold without, they died from the cold within.

Author Unknown


Sometimes it is hard to know what to hold on to and what to let go. I’m forever saving something because it might be of some use.

Yesterday I had the new kitchen floor put in and I noticed when I got home from work they had left a big trash bag out side. Well of course I had to lookand see what was in it. There was a nice 4 foot long piece of the vinyl flooring they had put down. Don’t you know I had to save it.

It was just too nice for the trash and some day I might be able to use it for something??? I really don’t value a lot of things, if I can give something away it always makes me happy. I do like my house to look nice, but comfort is the important thing as far as I’m concerned.

Soon September will be here and it will be time to start putting the summer clothing away and get out the fall things. I know there is a bunch that is going to go to the good will. I had several things that I didn’t even wear this summer, so why keep them???


I’m so very thankful for my family, and their continuing good health

I’m thankful that DD has her new home – they move in next Monday

I’m thankful for my job and the ability to get up and go each day

I’m thankful that I have some dear friends

And I’m thankful for the sunrise each morning


It is what we give up, not what we lay up, that adds to our lasting store.

Hosea Ballou

May your day be blessed with a few smiles and lots of sunshine to warm your heart !




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Anonymous said...

yeah we have way too many clothes and I bet no one notices if we had fewer and repeated them more

Anonymous said...

Yes I should do the same ,have a sort out ,mind this summer has been so cold ,if I get rid of what I havent worn ,it will be hot next year lol Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I much rather give than take and I am certain I keep things like you have done.Even if it is  to give away to  someone else.I had a beautiful pce of carpet left over as you found in the trash bag the fitter left.I gave it to my son who fitted it himself in a small lobby, where they keep extra clothes.It would have cost quite  a lot to have had someone come in and do this for him and the price of the pce too in the store.It makes me very angry when people waste things ."Waste Not Want Not" ,my Father and Mother always taught us,and I believe it is so.Have a lovely day .I hope you get a few smiles along the way and your weather is just as you like it.Ours is terrible.Still I thank the Dear Lord every day as you do, that I can still smile.LOL!! Take Care God Bless Kath

Anonymous said...

We are forever filling up the house and cleaning it out.....
Enjoy the day!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

how about cutting it and putting it in the cabinet under your sink... thats what I did and am so happy i did. easy to keep it clean now. take a pic of your new floor please.... would like to see it. :)  Sandra

Anonymous said...

I am sure you'll find something nice to do with that extra flooring! My friend had some extra and put it in front of his washer and dryer in the garage. It's nice!

Anonymous said...

You might find someone who needs it. lol You may need it later? I would not have thrown it away either. lol Love this story. Sad what a human can not let go of at times. Letting go is what heals a person. May  you have a smile on your face and lots of sunshine today. Blessing and God Bless, Janie

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am the same way..those are all good things to be thankful for.

Anonymous said...

I like to hold on to things like that too.  Doing that has often come in handy.  My downfall is "containers" - baskets, buckets, boxes, LOL.  They are everywhere and they always come in handy.  THese are the key to organizing I have found.