Friday, August 10, 2007



When we share laughter, There's twice the fun;

When we share success, We surpass what we've done.

When we share problems, There's half the pain;

When we share tears, A rainbow follows rain.

When we share dreams, They become more real;

When we share secrets, It's our hearts we reveal.

If we share a smile, Then our love shows;

If we share a hug, Then our love grows.

If we share with someone On whom we depend,

That person becomes Family or friend.

And what draws us closer And makes us all care,

Is not what we have, But the things that we share.

Author Unknown


Happy FRIDAY everyone.

This is usually a great day for me. Things just seem to go my way on Fridays. Everyone is happy that pay day has come again and I’m happy because the work that it took to give them that check is done too.

 I am looking forward to the weekend. Nothing special is planned but I know I’ll be busy around the house if nothing else. Always lots to do there.

We’ve had some major storms come through our area this week. Lots of rain and flooding. Even tornado warnings. Thankfully, I didn’t hear of one touching down any where near here, but the conditions were right for them.

This weekend we should have almost perfect summer weather, mid 80’s and sunny. That is nice to look forward to for sure.


To get the true value of joy you must have somebody to divide it with.

Mark Twain

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !




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Anonymous said...

yeah osudns like  brooklyn had it real bad

Anonymous said...

Yes like you I love Fridays too.I am sorry to read of the floods,oh dear and Tornado's too,good grief I think I would be afraid if I thought one of those were heading my way..Lovely temps them sound 80's, then again a little too hot for me I think.Have a great week/end.Don't work too hard in the home. I hope something nice comes your way.May you also  get a few smiles today.Take Care God Bless Kath

Anonymous said...

fridays are always filled with a little more fun huh?
Have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

Yikes I hope you don't get a tornado, hope that summer weather is there for your weekend.  We actually are supposed to see more sun today and this weekend, can't wait, it's been so dark.  I've always loved fridays and still do, even though I'm not working.  Have a great one, Joni

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't have a tornado! Sheesh!!
Enjoy your weekend.