Saturday, August 25, 2007


I read in a news story today that the ultra rich are now paying 736,000 dollars for watches. As I was shaking my head at the insanity of it I glanced at my own 8 dollar watch. It tells me the time just fine. I guess that would leave me about 735, 992 dollars left over.

With that I could send 18 kids to college for 4 years each with room, board, and books included. With that I could sponsor almost 200 needy children overseas into adulthood. With that I could buy meals for 2 ½ million starving people around the world. With that much left over money I could do so much good, help so many souls, and still know the time whenever I looked down at my wrist.

When did our society become so insane that anyone would think they needed a 736,000 dollar watch? When did people become so shallow that they would believe a one million dollar car is essential?

My first car cost me only 500 dollars and it still got me wherever I needed to go. When did 50 million dollar yachts and 100 million dollar houses become so vital to a person’s happiness?

My tiny home has more joy in it than the biggest mansion in the world and I can walk the shore of the local lake here and delight in its beauty for free.

I pray that at some point our society says "Enough!" and wakes up from this nightmare of materialism. Each of us only has one life. Let’s not waste it on the watches we wear and the cars we drive.

Each of us only has one soul. Let’s not lose it trying to gain the whole world. God put us here to love each other, to help each other, and to make this world a better place together. No house or boat will ever bring us joy like living the way that our Heavenly Father meant for us to.

No amount of material wealth in this world will ever equal the treasures of Heaven. Live your life in love, joy, and oneness with God then. Help others whenever you can.Make this world a better place now.

Life is brief and no watch will buy you an extra second of it.

Joseph J. Mazzella


It seems my days couldn't possibly get any busier and I'm sure that each second is very precious to me. Anymore it seems the only time I just sit and relax is the little break I take each evening just to sit on the patio outside my back door and watch the birds.  The daylight hours are fast fading and I know it won't be much longer that I won't be doing that either.

As the daylight fades so does my energy and soon I'll be wanting to head for bed about 8:30. That doen't happen , but I will feel like it should. 

Today we are supposed to see a little cool down and some more rain. Most of what I have to do will be indoors so that is a good thing.


At times I'm so discouraged with problems of the day

I fail to see the joyful things that are along the way

When troubles overwhelm me

It's then my nerves may fray

that's when I need to take the time

To simply sit and pray

Reflecting on God's many gifts

It makes me so aware

Of all the joy in little things around me everywhere!

I must try to remember though problems come my way

 not to miss the joyful things and the beauty of the day.

Author Unknown

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !




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Anonymous said...

I LOVE that top story. Kind of fitting lol
yeah it is getting dark faster I hope you send up some cooler weather we are hot and not getting any breaks like just a few hours north of us

Anonymous said...

Great story with a good message Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I head for bed now at 8, lol...
Enjoy your Saturday!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, you can tell Fall is coming around here also.  I hope you have a nice relaxing weekend, you deserve it.  Joni

Anonymous said...

Far far too much money is being spent on the wrong things today.You have a real point here and I shook my head too when I read of this.I skake myhead every day at hospitals closing because there isn't enough money to keep them going,they say.There workers being made reduntant becaue they cannot afford to pay there wages .All good people who have worked hard for yrs and studied including surgeons, to keep people healthy.Ours in my home town is closing and I will have to travel miles now for medical help.Then in the next column ,you read millions spent on Football fields and there players being payed millions.Footballers and there wives spending millions on purses to match there shoes etc.Where is the Logic.It beats me.Your tiny home and mine you are right have more joy in than they will actual ever realise should all these people honestly admit it.Yes the nights are drawing in now,I hope you have  alovely week/end in your tiny precious abode as I will try and do.Like you say I too am ready for my bed at 10pm but often never finished by that time.I will try call in on you as much as possible this week before I fly out thtere to your lovely country.I hope you get a few smiles too this week/end and the weather is good.Enjoy your little sit on the porch this evening.Wish I could join you.Take Care God Bless kath

Anonymous said...

All through history, it took empires about 200 years to become so puffed up, proud and self-centered that they lost everything.  Hmmm, let's see, America is how old?  We'd better wake up.  Linda

Anonymous said...

Isn't that silly they pay that much! So true! Yes, being tired is when things seem to look much worse than they are. Wishing you a wonderful Sunday with many blessings, Janie

Anonymous said...

I have a very had time with this going home again.  There is nothing left of what I remember where I grew up, and it makes me very sad when I go over there, which isn't very often anymore, but something draws me there anyway, even though I haven't lived there for over forty years.  You are so good at reminding us to be positive and smile and that's what I'm going to try to do today.  I'll think of you.  Have a great Day!  Joni

Anonymous said...

When you are thru with the cooler weather and rain ---just go outside and face the south and blow really hard, ok?  Make it move on down.  LOL  If it doesn't budge go get the neighbors and form a line and try that!  LOL LOL LOL