Saturday, January 19, 2008


A national news program conducted a study of fifty people who have lived over 100 years and still lead active, happy lives...

The researchers specifically looked for similarities in diet, exercise, lifestyle and habits that could contribute to their longevity and quality of life. What they found was amazing.

Through an extensive interviewing process, the news team found that some of the participants in this study had what would be considered good diets. An equal number of people were not as healthy in their food choices. Exercise and other areas of lifestyle were also not found to be a common thread throughout the group.

However, two things were overwhelmingly consistent among over 90 percent of those studied. What were these consistent traits?

Nine out of ten said that throughout their entire lives they awoke every morning with an attitude of gratitude for one more day of life and that they saw each day as a precious gift.

Secondly, nine out of ten stated that they felt life was too short to hold grudges or spend time complaining, and they forgave people quickly and refused to dwell on negative thoughts.

From an article found surfing the net.

To increase your understanding, you must challenge and question what you think you know. Your perspective gains much value when you consider it from the viewpoint of another perspective.

Ralph Marston


I don’t know about you, but all I seem to hear lately is that we need to diet and exercise etc. in order to be healthier and live longer. There is a whole long list of things that you can do and drink and eat that will let you have a longer life.

The reality of all this is we really don’t have much control over it. You can be healthy as all get out and do everything that is good for your body and then get run over by a car tomorrow.

I don’t think we should abuse our bodies and generally feel that most things are fine for you if done in moderation. But I do know what stress and negatism does to a person and the article above really rang the bell with me today.

I’ve tried to live a life of gratitude, being thankful for what I have and sharing it with others. I count my blessings daily and am thankful for them.

Will I live longer because of it??? Only the good Lord knows the answer to that one. All and all I think it boils down to the fact that when all is said and done, do I feel good about the life I’ve lived and would I regret what I’ve done… ?? No, I wouldn’t. There are no regrets here.

I can and do rejoice daily in the gift of life I was given and try to celebrate it every possible moment. Was I always this positive??? No, and there are days I’m still not, but I’m working on it for sure.


The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot."

Michael Althsuler

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !




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Anonymous said...

I agree...that is all you see and hear now on staying and exercise....and your right...we need to count our many blessings for what we do have...and take care of ourselves...hugs and love,
Have a wonderful weekend...
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I love the thought for the day!  Linda

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. Things done in moderation are fine. I wish I could have that good attitude daily. Some days it's just not there and I have to find it.

Anonymous said...

Agree that stress can kill a person. I have a few regrets in life, but can not change a lot of the past. lol Wishing you a wonderful Saturday with lots of blessings, Janie

Anonymous said...

Iagree so much talk of diets and what to eat and what not to eat ,so very confusing ,I think everything in moderation still holds true Jan xx