Sunday, January 13, 2008


Light the candle in your soul,

Carry it into the dark.

If you find a flame that's lost its glow

Light it with a spark.

The flame only grows brighter

When it gives another light,

And a billion burning candles

Can drive away the night.

Believe in yourself to the depth of your being,

Nourish the talents your spirit is freeing.

Know in your heart when the going gets slow,

That your faith in yourself will continue to grow.

Don't forfeit ambition when others may doubt,

It's your life to live, you must live it throughout.

Learn from your errors, don't dwell in the past,

Never withdraw from a world that is vast.

Believe in yourself, find the best that is you,

Let your spirit prevail,

"Steer a course that is true."

Hold up your candle for all to see,

Reach from shore to shore,

And light the world with kindness

Now and forever more!

Light Your Candle & Believe In Yourself Combined Poems by Authors Unknown


When I was searching on the web for articles on letting your light shine, I was surprised to see my own web page come up on the list. I did this page several years ago and had fun looking at the pictures I had put there, because everyone had changed so much since then.

I dedicated this page to my ‘Sweetheart’ who is my little grandbabe that has Epilepsy. She is a very precious little one and when she SMILES, which isn’t as often as it used to be, we all feel the glow. Here is the link if you want to take a look.

Before I started my journal I put together web pages and put the latest pictures in for my family so they could all keep up to date with what was going on. I’d usually update the main page regularly almost like I do with my daily journal entries. Now the only page I update is usually the calendar page with our family events each month.

After I started my journal, there was no need for that any more. So now the main page mainly lists links to my other pages of thoughts and things that I’ve collected that really mean a lot to me. I’ve got this journal now and a daily newsletter that I send out so that is plenty to keep me busy.

I do try to let my light ‘shine’ for all to see. I’ve managed to surpass great difficulties with the good Lord’s help and I try to encourage others daily.

Well today is my R&R day and as always on a Sunday mornig I’m off to church and will be praying for you all. He holds us in the hollow of His hand, every hair on our head is counted and whatever we ask Him in the name of His Son Hewill give to us.

Finally, brothers and sisters, keep your thoughts on whatever is right or deserves praise: things that are true, honorable, fair, pure, acceptable, or commendable.

Philippians 4: 8


The important thing is to learn a lesson every time you lose. Life is a learning process and you have to try to learn what's best for you. Let me tell you, life is not fun when you're banging your head against a brick wall all the time.

John McEnroe

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES

and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !




graphics by:


Anonymous said...

As always, wonderful entry.  It seems that every entry you wrtie I can relate to.  Why is that?  We must all have so much going on in our lives.  So many twists and turns.  We just have to think everything through.  Thansk for the inspiration once again.  :)    Tracy

Anonymous said...

When I went to Sunday school ,(all those years ago)...Jesus bids us shine like a pure clear light ,like a little candle burning in the night ,in this world of darkness we will shine ,you in your small corner and I in mine ,.....There I thought I had forgotten that ,thankyou to you and your entry for prompting the lovely memory Jan xx

Anonymous said...

she is precious..a true gift from god.

Anonymous said...

How would we manage day by day without Jesus.
Jenny <><

Anonymous said...

The pictures are beautiful on your HOMEPAGE thankyou for sharing.Beautiful children and Sweetheart is beautiful .Daughter too.Precious and priceless.Loved the last phrase. I have copied and pasted it .I hope you do not mind.If you carn't see the light  at the end of the tunnel .March down there and light it yourself.I will rememeber this.I keep trying but this weekend once again my light has been very dim again.It seems I am banging my head against abrick wall once more.Your posting is inspirasional .I feel better for calling in on call on you today.I am afraid I have had to miss many comments today I just have  not felt well enought to do them all.I hate to feel like this but at times that ladder is so so hard to climb.Take Care God Bless Kath astoriasand

Anonymous said...

wonderful entry.  Beautiful children & grandchildren.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful entry as always. :-) Have a wonderful week. God Bless, Janie