Saturday, May 19, 2007



Choose to:

Choose to ignore the little annoying behaviors of others and no one will be able to annoy you. Annoyance, after all, is all in your mind.

Choose to be free from worry and anxiety, and your moments will instead be filled with purpose and joy.

Choose to see the beauty in people and you'll find yourself surrounded by beautiful people.

Choose to make the best of every situation and your days will be filled with positive achievements

Choose to learn from each experience and your wisdom will become more profound with every passing day.

Choose to seek out and enjoy the difficult challenges and you'll find yourself growing strong with each one.

Choose to make a positive difference and the good things in your life will increase in quantity and value

Choose to care for what the Lord has given you and reap the benifits that come your way.

Each day is a choice. Each moment is a choice. Always remember that your attitude, your outlook, your perspective, your commitments, your thoughts and your actions are all choices -- choices which can make an enormous difference in the way your life proceeds


Before I begin my busy day / weekend with my dad I’m enjoying my ‘me ‘ time as usual for a Saturday morning.

I had some free time, so what did I do? I checked the computer to see if I'd heard from you.

Some days we just need to be taken away from our daily grind and pamper ourselves abit. I’ve read my morning devotionals and that always helps to lift my spirit and I relax as I read the Scriptures knowing that I am in the best care possible.

It doesn’t take a day at a spa to refresh my weary self. Just a little time with my computer seems to fix a lot. You all are my Sunshine and brighten my day

A smile is such an easy thing to pass along the way, Like a ray of summer sunshine on a somewhat gloomy day.


Love 'em for what they are

and forgive 'em for what they ain't.


May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !




graphics by:



Anonymous said...

Yet another weekend how the weeks fly .hugs to your Dad,,love the words of Grandpa Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a nice time with Dad today. Hugs, Terry x

Anonymous said...

many times the computer is what makes my day I dont know how often. I use to love the shirly temple movie the blue bird of happines.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a lovely Saturday.

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a lovely day.

Anonymous said...

Ah, choices!  Have a great weekend.
Jenny <><

Anonymous said...

This is truly what I needed to read today and it will help me so much I am sure for the future.I love your journal and I love my Pooter too. Otherwise I wouldn't be here reading this wonderful posting provided to me each day by the wonderful person who enters them.You are such an inspiration..May I take a moment to say thankyou for all the lovely comments you have taken time out to give me in my journal Thanx a million.Hope your father is improving and prayers are said for you all.Have a wonderful Sunday and I hope the sun shines for you and plenty smiles cross over to you on your way.Take Care God Bless Kath

Anonymous said...

may you have a wonderful day too. Hope you have an amazing weekend.

Anonymous said...

Annoyance is all in my mind.... and I can't get it out, lol, I keep trying....
Have a blessed Sunday!!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Do you really think that there are people out there who make good choices, who have a good attitude, a good outlook and a good perspective as second nature? I suppose there are some remarkable people like that out there but for myself, I always need reminders that if I changed myself just a little bit ( or, alright -- a big bit) that things could be quite different. Would be so much easier to just do it right the first time, but then I don't suppose I would learn anythiing from it all. Thanks for these terrific reminders cause I can use them.