A Blessing is defined in the dictionary as "anything that gives happiness"
Whatever made you happy during your day, consider it a blessing and before you go to bed that night record it in some way. It doesn't have to be an elaborate description, just something to help you remember it.
Recording your blessings is another way of counting them. If they are not recorded they will soon be forgotten.
Bits and Pieces from Articles I’ve collected on ‘Blessings’
Good Morning !
My blessings today include birthdays for my DS#6 (the baby of the family) and Our Princess ! They are both such blessings to me, as I might add are all my family.
DS#6 always has a big bear hug for me when he comes home. I love those hugs. He is very generous and giving and really is a great guy. He is also a gifted artist and lucky enough to earn his living by doing his craft. He’s 27 now…where did all those years go to ?
Our Princess is just what her name implies. She is a very sweet and loving child. Her smile is contagious and she shares it with all of us. (7 years old today) I know she probably has some favorites in the family but I’ve never known her not to make sure all of us have a few hugs and smiles when we get together.
Forgive me if I brag…I tend to do that a lot. Each and everyone of my babes grand’babes’ are so special. I’m sure you probably feel that way about your own families too .
We still have one more January birthday coming up on the 29th. Our Star will be 7 years old also. I’ll tell you a little bit more about him on his birthday.
I’ll not be able to celebrate with any of them this year as time and distance do not permit, but I do wish them a very Happy Day filled with all the very best things. May the dear Lord bless You Both today and always!
Life is easier than you think. All you have to do is accept the impossible, do without the indispensable, and bear the intolerable
May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !
Awww a very happy birthday to your Princess ,never stop 'bragging' about them ,I love to hear about them ,and I'm sure we all brag as you call it ,its cos we love em ,and are so blessed ..love Jan xx
ah you brag anytime you want . its good to hear a family of love.
Well now " A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to your princess from me today.How lovely but a shame when we cannot be around them at these times I know the feeling well.Only far away in distance though not in mind.My youngest son is the same too with the big hugs when I see him,as all my family live many miles away.He is 27 too just turned so in December.I do not think you are bragging at all.We all think our children and offsprings are special and it's great to say this.The sun has shone today and oh! how that made me smile .I went for a wonderful walk along the promenade and saw the sea glistening and it was heaven and I smiled on all who passed me by and I was thinking of you as I did so.Take care have a lovely weekend sorry you couldn't be with Princess for her special day.I hope you have had a little sunshine and a smile today too.God Bless
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
I love your graphics and uplifting entries. :0)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Happy Birthdays all around!!!!
Linda :)
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