Tuesday, January 9, 2007


It does not take a new year

To make a brand new start,

It only takes the deep desire

To try with all your heart

Helen Steiner Rice


It’s the start of a brand new day and as usual I begin that day with my good cup of coffee, read my morning devotionals and post another entry in my book.

Sometimes I’d just rather curl up and stay in bed another half hour longer, but I know that the day will be a lot better if I stick with the plan. So I’m up and beginning again.

It got very cold here yesterday. The wind was blustery and brought the temps way down. I put on the down filled coat though, and it kept me nice and cozy.

My work place is much warmer than my house and I can get away with out too many layers there. I just make sure to put on my wool socks so my feet keep warm. The building is on a concrete slab and the floor is always cold.

Once I’m at home and in for the evening I just put on one of my fleecy warm pj’s and nice warm robe and I’m comfortable without turning the heat up. I got 3 new pair of those nice warm jammies for Christmas and a new robe too ! I do love the flannels and fleece


As I grow to understand life less and less,

I learn to love it more and more.

Jules Renard

I hope your day is blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !



Anonymous said...

oh I just love fleece !!!!!!!!!! yes that wind was bitterly cold yesterday

Anonymous said...

Ohhh keep warm dear ..love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Yes I think I would want the wooly socks on for work too on a concrete floor.My feet are always like ice no matter what the weather.I also like to get into my night attire once in the home after tea and dressing gown on.Nothing like comfort when getting older.Prides painfull when young LOL!! I remember the scanty night attire in them days LOL!! and going to work half undressed as my my mother used to call it, she would say you will be crippled with arthritis when you get older.She was right too.I am LOL!! Take Care hope you get a few smiles and a little sunshine today,God Bless.
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES

Anonymous said...

I also got fleece and flannel for Christmas.....but they always know that's what I want. LOL!


Anonymous said...

What's all this with the fleecy PJ's.  My daughter cannot wait to get into them too.  From the age of 14 i stopped wearing anything in bed and have only just started again due the night sweats so the bed doesn't end up like a water bed.  Live dangerously throw away the PJ's.  LOL
Jenny <><