Sunday, January 21, 2007


Ditch New Years Resolutions Day

When : Always January 21st

If there's a day to celebrate New Years and to make resolutions for the upcoming year, then there should be a day to ditch those resolutions. That's the reason for today.

If you haven't broken or given up all of those New Year's resolutions, you're doing better than most of us. Maybe, you're well along the way to accomplishing them. Maybe, a few are already checked off on your list. Good for you!

For many of us, New Years resolutions are hanging heavily over our heads. They have become a burden, and perhaps were not such a good idea after all.

Then...... of course, there's the New Years resolutions that have already been broken. If you haven't accomplished, broken, or given up your New Year's resolutions, today is your chance to get out from under them.

Good Morning !

I’m not sure where I found this trivia for today, but thought it was a cute idea to share with you. I’ve not ditched mine as it is an ongoing project.

to be a better friend and relative. Treat those, as you would like to be treated....make each day count...spread joy and positive thoughts, where you can.

I don’t think this list could ever be finished. It will an ongoing endeavor the rest of my life.

Our lives would be without meaning if we didn’t have others to share it with. Our job seems to be making those moments we share the best possible ones they could be.

Happy Sunday to you ! My R & R day . I’m off to church soon (where else would I go on Sunday morning ? ) Hope you all find some way to be refreshed and renewed for another week too !


Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?

Anne (of Green Gables fame)

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart.





Anonymous said...

My resolution was to tidy up/complete some of my handwork projects ,so still working on my patchwork ,is that good ?  is it cheating making resolutions that are enjoyable? lol Jan xx

Anonymous said...

yea sometimtes we treat those cloeset with the least resepect

Anonymous said...

My resolutions will take longer than 3 weeks to accomplish.  Perhaps the whole year.
Hope you enjoy your day at church and get renewed.  I just love coming to your journal. Always uplifting!

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a lovely rest of the day. Stay warm.

God bless,