Friday, October 14, 2005


Wheat Field Friend

Scarecrow in the wheat field,

Making friends of crows—

He’s stuffed with straw and buttoned up

Against the coming snows.

He has a pumpkin for a head

With Grandad’s hat on top:

 His outstretched arms reach out to squirrels

And cottontails that hop

With a friendly smile and wrinkled brow

And triangle-twinkling eyes,

He watches while the seasons change

Beneath the autumn skies

Susan Halderson Baker


 Friday has arrived once more. This was a really fast week ! We might have a promise of sun peeping through now and then today ! That is good news for sure.

 Part of my family is camping this weekend – the last campout of the year. Saturday I’ll be going to visit them , so we’ll be having some pictures for you all on Sunday !

Another busy day at work, still trying to catch up for missing a day on Monday. I’m thinking I’d be better off if I were that scarecrow in the fields. The days fly by so fast!


I hope you all have a grand day !


The graphics today were sent to me by 'bookncoffee 'at My Southern Home.  Thank you so much !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH I cant wait for your family photos. Especially camping. I dont know if we will get one more or not.