Wednesday, April 30, 2008


All of Spring proclaims the Hope

God gives our hearts

Both the hummingbird and the vulture fly

over our nation's deserts.

All vultures see is rotting meat,

because that is what they look for.

They thrive on that diet.

But hummingbirds ignore the smelly flesh

of dead animals.

Instead, they look for the colorful

blossoms of desert plants.

The vultures live on what was.

They live on the past.

They fill themselves with what is dead and gone.

But hummingbirds live on what is.

They seek new life. They fill themselves

with freshness and life.

Each bird finds what it is looking for.

We all do.

Author unknown



Mid week always seems a bit of struggle. I’m always glad when this day is past and I know the work week will soon end. The 5 days of work are now grandly compensated by my little place in the woods, but those 5 days seem awful long sometimes.

Yes, just like the hummer in the little story above, we all do find what we’re looking for. Oh, if only I could understand the faith of the hummingbird. She sits on her perch and belts out a song of joy and exuberance. She has not a care in the world. Her only desire is to let creation know that she is alive and well

My little song is not so exuberant for sure

I owe, I owe

It’s off to work I go….



Go outside, to the fields, enjoy nature

and the sunshine, go out and try to recapture

happiness in yourself and in God.

Think of all the beauty that’s still left in

and around you and be happy!

Anne Frank

In this season of renewal and rejuvenation

May your spirit soar high and

May you be blessed

Not just today, but always.


Wishing you a beautiful SPRING !



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Anonymous said...

As always, you lift my spirits!  The beautiful wisdom
of that precious girl,  Anne Frank, touched me.  
Her indominable spirit shows in her words, knowing
she was captive but her heart and soul were free.
Thank you for sharing.  Have a great day.  Pat

Anonymous said...

Even though those Vultures don't seek the same things as Hummers, we must be grateful for what they contribute to our world.
I'm working today, too. I don't know how you do the Mon-Fri schedule. I couldn't do that. I haven't done that for YEARS!

Anonymous said...

I think of that little tune daily..the part where I owe...
Hope you have a good evening...hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Poor Anne Frank ,good advise if only she could have done just that Jan xx

Anonymous said...

When hummers are nesting, they are willing to steal human hair, right off our heads, lol! That happened in the Desert Museum in AZ. Kind of freaky - they will also get right in your face and touch your skin. At first, it is hard to even see them because they are so small and so fast, then they are all over - I like being there.
