Sunday, April 20, 2008


All of Spring proclaims the Hope

 God gives our hearts

There is always a tomorrow.

There is always a tomorrow with God

and your tomorrow with God

will be better than today.

Certainly, some of our tomorrows of the past

we now call our yesterdays have not been the best.

 Some of our yesterdays may

even have been horribly tragic.

But God does not want and does not will

for us to live as if tomorrow will be horribly tragic.

God wants us to live as if tomorrow

will be like Heaven on earth.

How can we do this?

How can we live as if tomorrow

will be like heaven on earth

when we may know tomorrow can bring tragedy?

We can live like tomorrow will be great

and grand because we can know God

 will be with us no matter what happens

Author Unknown

Feel the warmth of God’s embrace

In the sunshine’s golden rays,

And remember that He’s with you

Today, and for always


It is Sunday and I’ve had another wonderful weekend. I do hope you enjoy the pictures. I took so many that maybe I’ll add a few more to the entries later in the week too!

I am so thankful for the blessings of this special time I’ve been allowed. Camping is my little bit of heaven on earth. To be so close to nature is awesome and to be with some of my family too is a blessing.

Life hasn’t all be sunshine and roses for me, but even in the tough times I’ve always had the assurance that our dear Lord is right there with me.

I got an advertisment in the mail the other day that was for health insurance for those that are going to be 65. The title of the brochure was ROUTE 65. They were letting me know I’d be hearing from them this year so maybe when I reach 65 I’ll choose their insurance coverage.

I thought it was an eye catching theme to go with…that ROUTE 65. That is what I’m traveling this year and I know there will be hills and valleys in my wanderings, but today is great and hopefully a few more days will be just as good.

I did make it to the little church nearby this morning and afterward the sunshine came out and it was another beautiful day.  You are all in my thoughts and prayers even when I go camping !


As this glorious Springtime of rebirth

gets closer to happening outside my door,

I am reminded again how each day

for us can be a rebirth as well.

Everyday we are given a

new chance to choose love,

a fresh opportunity to share joy,

and a new life to live in

goodness and oneness with God.

 Everyday for us is the first

day of Spring and our hearts and souls

are always ready to blossom

and bless this world with

their beauty, love, and light.

Celebrate each new chance you are given then.

Rejoice in each new day you are blessed with.

Joseph J. Mazzella

In this season of renewal and rejuvenation

May your spirit soar high and

May you be blessed

Not just today, but always.

Wishing you a beautiful SPRING !



Anonymous said...

Great pictures. TY for sharing. Looks like you had a lot of fun. Yes, it sure does make a difference when a person has the Lord to lean and depend on. I will be 65 in November.. I have to check on insurance soon. lol Praying for you and thank you for the prayers. God Bless, Janie

Anonymous said...

You took some great looked so good.
I can tell a good time was had by all.
Those grandchildren are cute as can be..

Anonymous said...

Oh it is wonderful to see you having such a a great time with all your family and what a wonderful family  you have too.They are a credit to you.Love Prince Chraming in the box.What is it about empty boxes children love LOL!! When mine were small they loved the empty boxes better than the gift inside.He-He.The dogs are cute in the pictures too.DS1 has a wonderful smile and would warm anyones day with that winning smile.Don't need the sunshine with a smile like that around .LOL!!You sure worked hard on those leaves.Thankyou for sharing all the pics they are beautiful.ENJOY you have earned every minute of these breaks.Yes the Good Lord sees us through everything.God Is Good.Take Care God Bless Have a lovely Monday if possible.Safe journeys to work and back.Kath astoriasand

Anonymous said...

I really loved this entry ,the pictures cheered me up ,Every one looks so happy ,and the chair withe your coffee cup looks so inviting ,wish Icouls join you and sit in it lol Did they welcome you at the church ? Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit behind this week, lol...
I'm still on last weeks camping trip...
Loved all the pictures of everyone, and how cute the dogs just settle right in and love your beach towel and coffee cup...
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

You sound so happy :-)
