Thursday, April 3, 2008




All of Spring proclaims the Hope God gives our hearts

Happily, there are many things outside of our control.

Some mornings, we wake up with a new vitality

— a new spirit — that can surprise us.

This may happen after a dark period ...

or after a time of routine sameness.

Vitality is not something we seem able to summon at will,

although we may be able to create space

that is open to renewal. Vitality is a grace ...

unexpected, joyous and always welcome

Sometimes what robs us of our vitality is trying to be something we are not. The idea is that God calls us to be who we are. So the beginning is really trusting that God made you a good person, and that's a good place to start.

From one of my morning meditations last week.

Good Morning !

Only with the good Lord’s help do I make it off to work each day. That is for sure! Yesterday I was so tired I thought I’d never make it through the day.

I had plenty of sleep the night before and the sun was shining and all , but my body was in slow gear most of the day. Maybe that’s why they call it over the hump day. I surely struggled to make it over that hump all day long. I was so relieved when it finally was time to go home. I do hope today is a little better.

We are supposed to have some April showers today and it does it ever sound good to have rain in the forecast instead of snow. A little rain is needed to make all those flowers grow!

The weekend ahead is looking really nice so maybe I’ll even get outside a bit. Camping is still a few weeks off as it’s been so cold. They haven’t turned the water on at the campsites yet and that’s a necessity for me.

Rain or’s off to work I go…That’s one place that is open no matter what the weather.


The well-known maxim, "While there is life there is hope," has a deeper meaning in reverse: "While there is hope there is life."

Hope comes first, life follows. Hope gives power to life. Hope rouses life to continue, to expand, to grow, to reach out, to go on.

Hope sees a light where there isn't any. Hope lights candles in millions of despairing hearts. Hope is the miracle medicine of the mind. It inspires the will to live.

Hope is the physician's strongest ally. Hope is man's shield and buckler against defeat. "Hope," wrote Alexander Pope, "springs eternal in the human breast." And as long as it does man will triumph and move forward.

Hope never sounds retreat. Hope keeps the banners flying. Hope revives ideals, renews dreams, revitalizes visions. Hope scales the peak, wrestles with the impossible, achieves the highest aim. "

The word which God has written on the brow of every man," wrote Victor Hugo, "is Hope." As long as man has hope no situation is hopeless.

Wilferd A. Peterson

In this season of renewal and rejuvenation

May your spirit soar high and

May you be blessed

Not just today, but always.

Wishing you a beautiful SPRING !




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Anonymous said...

Another beautiful posting as always today.I am hoping very much of late and I also hope and pray you DO have a much better day today.I know the exact feeling of lathargicness you endured yesterday I have it most days lately.Looking forward and hoping for brighter times,for everyone.Have a lovely day and you are in my prayers always.Camping for you is not far away,how wonderful.ENJOY when the time arrives.I hope you get a few smiles along the way today and sunshine to warm your heart.Until next time.Take Care God Bless Kath astoriasand

Anonymous said...

I sure need those words of wisdom to start my day.  I had a rough day yesterday also.   I wanted to work a bit in my yard but  when I went outside , my crazy allergies made me miserable.   The grass needs cutting but we are supposed to get rain this morning.  Anyway, I HOPE this will be a better day for both of us.

Anonymous said...

As always it is a pleasure to read your entry ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better today and that you have an easy day.

Anonymous said...

Great entry. Have a wonderful Friday and blessed weekend. Janie

Anonymous said...

Your camping trip is getting ever nearer ,love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Never give up hope!
