Tuesday, August 7, 2007



How much do you believe in yourself? 20 percent? 50 percent? or 100 percent? Everyone is always telling us, "You must go this way," or "You should live that way,"

Our parents, our spouses and children, our friends, society, religion, culture, the economy, the internet, the media—they all have their own idea for us. How we should think, act, pray, spend, save, communicate, and feel. Who can compete with that? It's a very tall order.

You'd hate to think that your whole life could just be a patchwork of what all these are trying to mold you into. We know that to some extent we will be influenced by it, but isn't there one thing, somewhere, not dependent on all of this?

There's one way to find out. Throw away all of the above and see what happens. Never mind about ... approval or disapproval. Ask your own true self the same question and see if you trust what appears.

Zen Master Bon Yeon


We are all shaped and molded by our experiences with other people, but we do each have our own individual thoughts and beliefs. I’m often amazed that those I’m the closest to have such different values and opinions.

We really need to believe in ourselves because each of us is a gift from God, and He has made us unique for a reason. We cannot all be the same because our way of life contributes to others, as much as they contribute to us. We are all wonderfully made!

All my life I think people have been telling me what to do…and now that I’m on my own except for the critters I really enjoy doing what I like. Of course I have to work and the bosses do tell me what to do, but that is separate from my personal life.

There are times when I need a little extra help making decisions and I’ve found that praying about it is better than asking someone else for advice. One of the most awesome discoveries I’ve made through the years is that God always knows what’s best for me.


One of the greatest joys you may ever experience is learning how to choose your own Truth. Being able to live in Truth is liberating because there are no pre-conceived notions, patterns, or biases clouding your vision.

Finding yourself living in the space of your own Truth can feel like gliding through the clear blue sky just as a kite does in a brisk summer wind. To support you on this great adventure, you can adopt the daily practice of journaling. This is an effective and gentle means of identifying your own Truth

Harriette Cole Choosing Truth: An Inspiring Prescription

(Thought you all would enjoy that one for sure!)

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !




PS  I could not get any graphics in this morning.  Just one of those days I guess.


Anonymous said...

yeah sometimes I just wish GOD would send me an email lol would that be neat.

Anonymous said...

I've come to believe that our society begins "programming" children's behavior the minute they enter school.  Bye-bye most creativity.  I know there has to be boundaries but we don't all have to be clones!  Individuality is what makes us interesting!!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Yes I think we are shaped by people and life experiances ...love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't be the same for us all to be alike.I just pray each day I can be that little bit better person and I hope people will understand me,and take me for what I am.I never wish to be like anyone else.I am happy with how God made me.There have been problems this week all over J/land with AOL ,so maybe thats why you couldn't get graphics today? I hope you have a nice easy day at work with a few smiles and whatever weather you wish for comes your way.Take Care God Bless. Kath
astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES

Anonymous said...

Have a good day!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

I really like this entry. The closer I get to God the more confident I feel living the Truth.
Have a great day. I hope you`re not getting flooded. I saw some awful rain up your way on the news.

Love ya

Anonymous said...

I just thank God for God because without him my decision making and choices are not very good.
Jenny <><