Friday, August 3, 2007


If you sit down at set of sun

And count the acts that you have done,

And, counting, find

One self-denying deed, one word

That eased the heart of him who heard--

One glance most kind,

That fell like sunshine where it went--

Then you may count that day well spent.

But if, through all the livelong day,

You've cheered no heart, by yea or nay--

If, through it all

You've nothing done that you can trace

That brought the sunshine to one face--

No act most small

That helped some soul and nothing cost--

Then count that day as worse than lost.

George Eliot


My opportunities for finding those SMILES are sometimes very hard to find. Most of my day in the office is spent alone. The two bosses come and go once in awhile and they barely acknowledge me as they are so busy.

I did get one from the UPS man as I asked how his vacation was. And I did get one from the dentist after work… He said he was glad tomorrow was Friday, he was just a little tired. I suppose then, that I may count today.


Make it a habit to be happy. .. and be useful to others.

Rise up every morning, telling yourself that

"Today will be a happy day".

Say "I believe I will handle

any problems successfully today.

In fact! I believe something good will happen to me!".

Be grateful to be alive.

Give thanks to whatever you have had,

for all that you now have and

all that shall be given to you.

Thank God for every good things..

Help others and guard your mouth.

If there's nothing good to say, be silent.

There's significant power in it.

Enjoy the wild daffodils by the roadside.

Hug trees. Get drenched in rain.

I hope you'll enjoy your life to the fullest

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES

and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !




graphics by:



Anonymous said...

most itmes the ups truck does bring good things even smiles

Anonymous said...

I love your summery graphics,especially now we are having a nice sunny spell at last ,something to smile about Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I hope you get some smiles today.
I enjoyed your thought for the day.

Anonymous said...

Your advise always inspires me to smile and be happy .I love the graphics,I think I have said before.I hope you get many smiles today and all week/end too.Enjoy your well earned rest.I hope you get a mixure of sun and rain as you often say you need rain. Have a good one.Take Care God Bless Kath

Anonymous said...

No need to worry, you always make someone who reads your journal smile.  I love UPS men, you know they love their customers.  Ours really were like part of the store before I left.  You have a great day!  Joni

Anonymous said...

Yay it's Friday!!!!
I'm smiling!!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Well, your graphic certainly makes me smile!  I love the poem and your thought for today.  I don't know why, but I went through my day today wearing a smile that I just couldn't erase.  I've just been feeling on top of the world!  And reading your inspiring entries helps that!  Thanks again!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Yeah, sometimes it's hard to get some good mornings out of folks.  I know myself, I get busy sometimes when I come in early and might be on PlanetX when going down the hallway and people passing.  There is always so much comings and goings that sometimes I forget who I have said good morning to and who I haven't. I am always in a quandry as to what to say when passing people in the hallways.  LOL  

Anonymous said...

A nice smile from someone can make a world of difference!
Have a great Sunday. :)