Tuesday, June 5, 2007


This blessing is for you

May the blessing of light be upon you.

Light on the outside and on the inside

With God’s sunlight shining on you

May your heart glow with warmth

Like a turf fire that welcomes friends and strangers alike

May the light of the Lord shine like a candle

In the window, welcoming the weary traveler

May the blessing of God’s soft rain be upon you

Falling gently on your head refreshing your soul

With the sweetness of little flowers blooming

May the strength of the winds of heaven bless you

Carrying the rain to wash your spirit clean-

Sparkling after in the sunlight

May the blessing of God’s earth be upon you

And as you walk the roads may you always have

A kind word for those you meet

May you understand the strength and spirit of God

In a thunderstorm in winter,

The quiet beauty of creation and the calm of a summer sunset

And may you come to realize

That insignificant as you may seem in this great universe

You are important part of God’s plan

May He watch over you and keep you safe from harm.

Irish Blessing

Throughout time, the word blessing has meant the equivalent of “I see you. I see not who I fear you are or what I want you to be, but you as you are. I envision the best for you, and I call forth the best for you in a way that I hope you will appreciate.”


I do wish this blessing for each and every one of you today.

So often we talk about the blessings we’ve received, but most of the time we forget that we can bless some one too !

We can bless them with our words in so many ways.

You may get tired of seeing it, but I leave you with a blessing each day here in my journal . I do this because these things are blessings to me and I wish to share them with you because you are so dear to me. .

This morning God has blessed me with a job to do so once more…

I owe I owe

Off to work I go…

It’s going to be great day !


All that is good comes from our Father in Heaven! He blesses us daily. Whether we recognize those blessings or not, they are there! He also blesses us through other people, with skin on! Which means... You are a BLESSING to someone!!!

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !




graphics by: www.untilthengraphics.com



Anonymous said...

Thankyou dear Ma ,for all your blessings that uplift our days ,and my wish is the same for you .love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I bet you are a blessing at your job way more than you kow

Anonymous said...

thanks for the blessing and a blessing to you too. You are a blessing everyday with your journal. Have a great day at work.

Anonymous said...

How lovely this was to read this evening and thankyou for your blessing.I very much appreciate this.Then again you are such a beautiful person and I am blessed to have met you.I have had a very weary week but I am thankful for being blessed with many wonderful things  too, even when everything doesn't run smoothly as we wish it would at times .God Bless you too.Take Care .I  love your Journal.Have a lovely day.I hope you get a few smiles and lots of sunshine as we have had today here over the pond..Another blessing sent from above lovely sunshine.Kath
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES

Anonymous said...

Your a blessing to me. You uplift my spirits with what you write. Thank you for that.

Anonymous said...

It is a blessing to be well enough to wake up and have a job to go to! I hope you had a wonderful day. :)


Anonymous said...

You are the true blessing...thanks so much for sharing...hugs and love,