Monday, June 25, 2007


Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures.

John F. Kennedy

Good Morning !

Is it really Monday morning already? I spent most of the weekend at Dads. He continues to go down hill and at this point all we can do is make him as comfortable as possible. I hate to keep repeating my self on his progress so I’ll try only update you when something different happens.

The only trouble of working in a one gal office is that there is no one else around to do your job, so I’ll be off to work in a few minutes.

We'll see what today brings...


Our part of knowledge consists in being ignorant of things that are not worth knowing.

author unknown

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to melt your heart.




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Anonymous said...

I hope you have a comfortable day, being alone in the office must be hard for you and lonely at times.I have your father in my prayers and alllof your family.Don't worry about th eupdates on Dad it doesn't matter if you feel like talking about it you do so.I hope you get afew smiles along the way and I hope the sunshine too.heavy rainstorms here torrential and flooding Grrrrr.I have just been out to the local store on foot,this being as far as I dare venture in this weather as I do not drive and I am like a drowned rat on return LOL!! Thats one smile for you today.Take Care God Bless Kath

Anonymous said...

What a difficult time for you ,you are in my thoughts/prayers dear Jan xx

Anonymous said...

You can keep us updated it is a reminder to pray . so dont mind you mentioning it at all. yes the weekend went way too fast.

Anonymous said...

Special thoughts for Dad and you too....
Have a peaceful day at work...
Linda :)