Friday, June 15, 2007


Have patience with everything in your heart

and try to love the questions themselves

as if they were locked rooms or books

written in a very foreign language.

Don't search for the answers,

which could not be given to you now,

because you would not be able to live them.

And the point is, to live everything.

Live the question now. Perhaps then, someday

far in the future, you will gradually,

without even noticing it,

live your way into the answer.

Rainer Maria Rilke


There are so many things we don’t know the answer to. So many questions asked that there just is no way to explain. I think that is where our faith steps in. We need faith to accept the unknown.

My life and maybe yours too, is like a book. Each page is an exciting adventure. Each of my days represent a page here in my journal. Someday I’d like to start at the beginning and discover that many unanswered questions were actually revealed to me. Often we just don’t realize the answer has been right there all along and we’ve failed to see it.

Bad news for you today…My smile has been sabotaged ! I somehow , once again, broke a tooth off my partial plate yesterday and now I’m a toothless wonder. So today as I go off to work I’ll only have a GRIN instead. A very small grin to be sure.

TGIF…The dear Lord has blessed us with another Friday


God makes a promise,

faith believes it,

hope anticipates it

and patience quietly awaits it

E McKenzie

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES (or maybe GRINS) and lots of SUNSHINE to bless your heart !






Anonymous said...

ah smile proudly atleast when no one is around you will be surprised how the glo carrys on.........
I do hope you can get it fixed soon

Anonymous said...

I hope you can get your beautiful smile back to go with your beautiful attitude...your coming to your journal...many hugs, have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel because that has happened to me a few times too. I say get it fixed and you will be making up for all the grins. I can hardly wait to see the pictures of your bracelets, I was wondering if you were still getting one each month. Have a good day, Sandra

Anonymous said...

The older I get, the more questions I seem to have, but it has become less important to me to have all the answers. Life goes on anyways, many times with a lot of faith or sometimes on a wing and a prayer, but it does go on. I don't need to understand everything, I just need to enjoy what is. Your plate can easily be fixed and it would not take much time so hope you are close to a place where it can be done while you wait. Happy grins to you today.

Anonymous said...

I just can't imagine you with a broken smile...
Keep on grinning!!
Linda :)