Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Love is a gift.

You can't buy it,

you can't find it,

someone has to give it to you.

Learn to be receptive of that gift.

Kurt Langner



There have been times in my life that I’ve been so filled with love that I thought my heart would burst, and there have been times that I’ve not been able to find love anywhere and I thought my heart was broken.

It is a precious gift for sure.

I also found out that just when my heart was broken in so many pieces that I thought it would never mend, Love appeared out of nowhere and blessed me with healing and I felt that old heart start to beat again.

Winter continues on here in Northern Ohio.  We could get a little more snow today and it is only 28 degrees here this morning.  At least the wind has quieted down. 

My good cup of hot coffee tastes extra good these cold mornings.



The secret of contentment is the realization

that life is a gift not a right.

Source: God's Little Instruction Book for Women,

May the season's simple joys

Warm your heart...

Fill your home...

Last a lifetime






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Anonymous said...

weare a t 27 and yes its a cold one. I had to run in and out and in and out yesterday in that windy cold adn it is geting to me

Anonymous said...

Well we are warm and wet here in the Pacific Northwest, moss will be growing everywhere.  Thanks for the nice comments, and by the way I had knitted that baby blanket a couple of years ago, and just had it waiting.  I guess down deep I knew someone would be coming.  Have a nice day.  Joni

Anonymous said...

I think we have all at sometime been where you mention Pam.Here today has been a mild day and I have managed to do some more shopping,this afternoon for about two hours.,it was very nippy on the way home though.brrrr .I will get there in the end LOL!! Is it ever finished.(sigh).I hope you have  a pleasant day ahead of you,with some smiles to warm your heart.Stay warm wrap up.Take Care God Bless Kath
astoriaand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES

Anonymous said...

It's cold here too. About high 40's and low 50's early in the morning which to me is FREEZING!!LOL! I know I know....I'm a wimp. But, my body is just not used to cold weather. I suppose if I lived in it I'd do better <smile>
Enjoy your day and keep warm!

Anonymous said...

Love is definitely a wonderful GIFT.


Anonymous said...

I do agree with out love where would anyone of us be ...love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have been there too. Love does seem to heal a soul, doesn't it? Our wk. has been a little warmer, I am happy for that. Maybe that is it... the wind has not been blowing as much. :-)  Wonderful entry. God Bless, Janie