Friday, February 2, 2007


I love you today, where you are and as you are.

You do not have to be anything

but what you are for me to love you.

I love you now; not sometime when you are worthy,

but today when you may need love most.

I will not withhold my love, or withdraw it.

There are no strings on my love, no price.

I will not force it upon you when you are not ready.

It is just there, freely offered, with both hands.

Take what you want today. The more you take,

the more there is. It is good if you can return love;

but if you cannot today, that is all right too.

Love is its own joy.

Bless me by letting me love you today.

Author Unknown.


The truest form of love anywhere is that unconditional love we give without any strings. It’s hard to find and often non-existent. Any parent will know about it and certainly any one who believes in God can tell you about it.

I know that no matter what each and every one in my family knows they don’t have to be perfect for me to love them. Goodness only knows I’m far from perfect myself.

I think the main thing we must remember is to tell those we love that we do love them and do it often. And speaking of those we love…

We had some grand news yesterday ! My Dad was released from the hospital and is now at home. My sister that is his caregiver is there with him and hopefully it will be no time til he’s gained his strength back. I’ll be spending some time with him this weekend as always.

It’s finally Friday and the end of a very long week. I ‘m soooo glad.


Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty -- they merely move it from their faces into their hearts.

Martin Buxbaum

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !





Anonymous said...

I am so pleased your Dad is home ,Have a good weekend Jan xx

Anonymous said...

ah glad your dad is home. pray for us schools close and our heat went out on us and its a weekend you know !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good news about your dad!

Anonymous said...

This is a lovely posting once more.The words are very true and I love them.I am also very happy your Dad is home in his own surroundings,which I feel helps 100% to heal,once someone is well enough for this stage.No place like home.Have a wonderful week/end.I shall catch up on your alerts Sunday evening, as I am going away tonight for a couple of days to be with my family Whoo Hoo. I am so excited.Love them to bits.The sun is shinging  here beautifully,I  hope it is shining for you and you get a few smiles along the way too.Take care God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear about your Dad, and liked what you had to say about love.  There's not enough of true love about nowadays.
Jenny <><

Anonymous said...

Great news about your dad!
Happy Weekend. :0)
love ya xo

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear about your dad!  You'll notice a change eventually in his energy level. He might just start feeling better fast.