Thursday, November 9, 2006


Blessings we enjoy daily,

and for most of them,

because they be so common,

we forget to pay our praises.

But let not us,

because it is a sacrifice so pleasing

to Him who still protects us,

and gives us flowers and showers

and meat and content.

Izaak Walton


If I were a millionaire, I’d have soooo much fun. I’d give to the church, the poor, the causes that help disabled people, and I share what I had with my family.

I always do share what I can, but that often is what I’ve made for them, be it gifts or food. I’m not a millionaire or even a thousand-aire, but I’m rich in the things that count.

I have a home, food to eat, clothing, friends, family, critters, a car that is running pretty good right now. I have a job, and I can pay my bills on time. I have a beautiful old church to go to worship at every Sunday.I have my health and Ihave a nice computer (a gift from my family ) and I love the internet.

To some people all those things would equal riches, many don’t have what I do. I’m not bragging, just telling you how blessed I am.

Today I am thankful for a generous heart that loves to spill over to others...and is constantly replenished by my beautiful family. I’m praying for those that are not generous, that don’t share their abundance with others.

Whatever we have much of, God calls us to share it with those in need --- and then He too will share with us His riches


I asked God to give me happiness. God said, "No. I give you blessings. Happiness is up to you."

Author Unknown

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !



Anonymous said...

Im going to forward the alert I got for your entry today it was so totlaly wierd. STRANGE>
Maybe you should share picstures of your old church. I love old buildgins

Anonymous said...

What a lovely entry. We have much to be thankful for every day! :)

Anonymous said...

Can I least be a hundredaire.... lol...
Have a great weekend!!
Linda :)