Saturday, November 25, 2006


You Are a Kxy Person

Xvxn though this typxwritxr is an old modxl, it works vxry wxll, xxcxpt for onx kxy. You'd think that with all thx othhxr kxys working, onx kxy would hardly bx noticxd. But just onx kxy out of whack sxxms to ruin thx wholx xffort. Havx you xvxr said to yoursxlf, "I'm only onx pxrson. No onx will noticx if I don't do my bxst." But it doxs makx a diffxrxncx, bxcausx to bx xffxctivx, a family, an organization, a church or a businxss nxxds complxtx participation by evxryonx to thx bxst of his or hxr ability. So if you'rx having onx of thosx days whxn you think you just arxn't vxry important, and you'rx txmptxd to slack off, rxmxmbxr this old typxwritxr. You arx a kxy pxrson, and whxn you don't do your bxst, nothing xlsx around you works out thx way it is supposxd to.2

For we are all members of one body.

Ephesians 4:25


The mixed up letter in the little story above was an ‘e’ just in case you didn’t figure it out. We are all ‘KEY’ persons.

Today is our ‘Family Feast’ Day. All my children except for DS#2 and his family will be here. He is the son in the military and we are hoping he’ll be home at Christmas this year. Everyone is bringing a dish to share and I’m providing that huge turkey I got from my boss and the stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, and a Waldorf salad. I’m sure we’ll have lots of leftovers to send home too ! Oh , and I can’t forget the ‘deviled eggs’. Our ‘Princess’ thinks that is a necessary item at any family gathering. I’ll have lots more pictures for you to see tomorrow.

The ‘Sunshine’ babes and the Newlyweds will be leaving tomorrow and of course everyone else will return home this evening, so my house will be back to being very quiet after today.

I’m going to continue with the ‘Thankful’ them til the end of the month and then I’ll be giving you lots of quotes, customs and stories about Christmas. I’ve already got lots lined up to share with you.

I’m thankful today for the gift of being a unique individual formed and molded by God. I’m praying for those that aren’t feeling very good about themselves that they find hope for today and realize they too have a very special place in the world.

When we are grateful

for the good we already have,

we attract more good into our life.

On the other hand, when we are ungrateful,

we tend to shut ourselves

 off from the good we might otherwise experience.

Margaret Stortz

 May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !




Anonymous said...

Like the mixed up writing which I could read.  Have a great meal with your family and enjoy every moment.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the family and store up the memories ,those babys grow so quickly ,look forwaed to your pictures ,,love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

They should use that key person thing in our meetings!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your day. I'm sure it will be wonderful.
And, I those deviled eggs. : )

Happy day,

Anonymous said...

cant wait for your pics of your family and prayyour all together for the next holiday

Anonymous said...

I hope your Day goes just as you wish, with fun love and food a plenty.ENJOY looking forward to more pictures.Take Care God Bless.