Thursday, December 22, 2005



Smiles are contagious

Like measles or the mumps

A little chuckle here or there

 Can chase away the dumps .

So pass those smiles along today

They multiply like mice

 Spreading like a wildfire

 Don't think about it twice .

Hey, Christmas time is almost here

So ditch that silly pout

Santa Claus is coming soon

There's lots to smile about



I’m full of smiles today! This is the last day of work until next Wednesday ! My vacation starts tomorrow and I’ll be home enjoying the warmth and laziness of having nothing to do! All my Christmas festivities are over and I can rest!

My employer always has gifts to hand out to employees and today I’ll be playing ‘Santa’ as no one else will be in the office. It should be a fun day and there’s not a lot of work to do either! Our work is slowing down and things are pretty caught up. After the New Year, I’ll begin the job of purging files and storing away last year’s records to make room for a NEW YEAR.

It’s a nice thought to have new beginnings, new things to do and new days to enjoy and celebrate. I’ll be doing my web searching to find some NEW ideas to share with you all.




 As we struggle with shopping lists and invitations, compounded by December's bad weather, it is good to be reminded that there are people in our lives who are worth this aggravation, and people to whom we are worth the same.

Donald E. Westlake  


Anonymous said...

wo w  I bet you are going to be so happy having a few days to your self off and no work demands.

Anonymous said...

Cliff's gets four days off, and he's excited about that.

Anonymous said...

Good Vacation to you! : ) Rest in the Peace of Christ and enjoy your holiday.
Merry Christmas,

Anonymous said...

Hi there.  I've missed you but I am catching up now.  I appreciate your comments during the week as it was a pretty tightly scheduled busy week.  Your comments are always nice and encouraging when I need them the most.  I appreciate you so much.
I hope you had fun being Santa and you enjoy your resting up time.

Anonymous said...

Have a nice cozy Christmas and a good vacation!!
Linda :)