Saturday, December 10, 2005




 If You look for Me At Christmas,

You won’t need a special star

I’m no longer just in Bethlehem

I’m right there where you are

You may not be aware of Me

Amid the celebrations

You’ll have to look beyond the stores

And all the decorations.

But if you take a moment

From your list of things to do

And listen to your heart,

you’ll find I’m waiting there for you.

You’re the one I want to be with,

You’re the reason that I came,

And you’ll find Me in the stillness

As I’’m whispering your name.

Love, Jesus



The beautiful verse above was on the front of one of my Christmas Cards yesterday. Of course, I had to share it with you all.

There is a BIG controversy over saying Merry Christmas right now. I’m a Christian, which means I believe in Jesus Christ. His Birthday is celebrated at Christmas time – so I’ll say Merry Christmas and mean it from the heart.

Christmas is the day to celebrate FORGIVENESS coming into the world. Christmas is a forgiving time and a time to remember to forgive.


I also wish every one a Happy Holiday as there are many other faiths celebrating this time of year too.

Keep love in your heart as you celebrate and pray for


This is my do or die day! Everything cleaned and wrapped. I got the decorations finished last night and everything now needs a good cleaning. My jeans feel a little looser, maybe all that running up and down the stairs is paying off!


During this wondrous season take advantage of every opportunity to celebrate, share a cup of tea, go for a walk with someone. Don’t let whatever moments you have to share a ***BIG SMILE*** with someone pass you by. We never know when we will get to do so again.




The silent stars in timeless skies,

 The wonderment in children's eyes,

A rosebud in a slender vase

Are all reflections of God's face.

Helen Steiner Rice


Nativity Graphics by:    


Anonymous said...

ACTUALLY I dont care (and now realize I celebrate Hanukkah) if people say Merry Christmas, Happy HOlidays, Happy Kwanzaa  or what ever they feel lead to. To me its that even if people who say Merry Christmas to me its that htey are wishing me a good greeting and doing it in a spirit of love. Something we can have a little more of.  So it does not offend me to be wished a Merry Christmas or what ever. I think its the goodness in mankind that is worth hearing.

Anonymous said...

Merry, Happy what does it matter, it's all a big political correctness hype that's gone too far, as usual. I'm opting for a Peaceful Christmas to one and all.
Sylvia xx

Anonymous said...

Well, what a cute pic from Disney.  I remember those places where you could email your family and friends back home with your pics.  I know they are having a great time.  We sure did.

Oh the boys were cute in Santa's lap in the most recent entry.  

Nite Nite

Anonymous said...

Looks like the gang is having a good time in Disney! :)  I always use the expression Happy Holidays.