Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Late but finally here


Father of the Ages,

Thank You for providing everything we need.

Thank You for grandparents who prayed for us

before we were born as we pray

for the grandchildren of our children.

 Thank You for teaching us to love by loving us,

for all the love You give and we share.

 Thank You for surrounding us

with the miracle of Your creation,

 for the heavans and the sparrows.

Thank You for laughter

and others to laugh with,

 for service and others to serve with.

Thank You for health,

sight, hearing, hands to work and

hands to hold, holidays and beauty,

books and music,





and memories.

 My my, we are so blessed.

Thank you for being here,

watching, caring, helping.

Glory to Your name!

 Thank You for who You are

 Good Morning!

I'm late posting this morning as AOL journals would let me add an entry earlier.  I finally decided to try adding a comment and low and behold my journal buttons for add/edit came on.  Little grimlins at work in AOL today. 



Some days I think I just can't be thankful enough. Everytime I turn around there is something else to be grateful for. From now on until the Sunday after Thanksgiving, I'll be posting whatever I can find, prayers and poems, maybe even a joke or two about being THANKFUL.


The Sunday after THANKSGIVING, we'll begin Advent. The 4 weeks we spend preparing for Christmas in our hearts. Of course we'll also be preparing lots of material things too so I'm sure I'll have a mixture of the two for you.

When I'm doing a search of the net for some topic, I'm often amazed at what comes up. When I was doing a search for blessings - Lots of the links were people, churches and organizations asking for a donation. Well I guess you could bless some that way, but it wasn't what I was looking for.


Another day, another dollar, so off to work I go...

Here is a ***BIG SMILE*** for you today !  Pass it on !






Anonymous said...

My buttons finally showed up, and my entry is prepared... but it won't post!  Something tells me I'll be re-doing this entry.  LOL.

Anonymous said...

Changes to journals this morning such as ads at the top of each journal.  I'm not even going to try and post an entry because of the chaos I've been hearing already this morning.  You are correct, much to be grateful for and so we thank Him!

Anonymous said...

ye s I hear lots complaining they were adding ads to the top of our journals YUCK!!!!!!!!!! Im glad i did not try an entry this morning. Like I did not need that. Thanksfulness is  a good thing