Sunday, November 13, 2005


Prayers are not meant for obtaining

What we selfishly wish to acquire,

For God in His wisdom refuses

The things that we wrongly desire

 Helen Steiner Rice





Yesterday I got the car serviced and found out I need more…when I can save up the money. My battery needs to be replaced it’s running at only 50% right now and that is $90 the Fuel filter and something else needs to be replaced that equal 'bout another $80 so there we go…broke again, before we even have it! So…I owe, I owe, so off to work I go!!!

After the bad news trip, I got out in the yard and mulched the leaves – hopefully for the last time. I do still see more on the trees down the street though, so I’m sure they’ll be blowing my way !

 My Christmas gift making is going slow! I should have been 2/3 ‘s done this weekend. But I’m not. Not enough hours in a day for me. Thankfully we have SUNDAY to bless our spirits and get renewed for another round.

Be Blessed ! And give everyone you meet a ***BIG SMILE*** It’ll warm thier heart with a little SUNSHINE as well as yours !



Heres a link for Thoughts of Thanksgiving you might enjoy !



Anonymous said...

Since I'm in the country, I just let the wind blow the leaves away.  Eventually, they're gone!

Anonymous said...

Oops, you have reminded me of the fallen leaves, our garden is full of them and they need to be raked up but we have the excuse that we are decorating lol

Anonymous said...

OH H OPE the rain is not too bad today and I can mulch our leaves. Sorry to hear about yoru car. Can you get your sons to do someof the work for you to replace stuff and save you somemoney. That always helps. I livke what you say prayer isnot to get what we selfishly want