Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Wednesday!



 I know I'm just a spud,

with my eyes I can see

Just what Thanksgiving is not suppose to be.

 I am set aside till it's my cooking time,

Dad is complaining,

I cost more than a dime.

The turkey sure comes from the store quite bare.

Mom grumbles that it takes so much care.

 The dried bread will be mixed with spices and eggs.

She will stuff it up tight,

And tie up it's legs.

 Vegetables are chopped and cooked just right,

Then placed by the pies,

baked late last night.

Cranberry sauce was chilled in a turkey shaped mold,

Junior is whinning,

that is much too cold.

 Each one seemed to do their parts,

But OH MY!

where are their hearts?

 I, a lowly spud have but one special wish,

PLEASE each one thank GOD,

before you pick up my dish




The last day of the work week and then 4 (four) one, two, three, four days off !

An Alberta Clipper is supposed to be blowing our way bringing a white Thanksgiving! I will be letting you know in the Morning how much came our way.

Living so close to Lake Erie, we often get the Lake effect, and of course the Lake is not frozen over yet. Very often, though the snow goes east of Cleveland in what they call the snow belt.





1 part of knowing who you are

1 part of knowing who you aren't

1 part of knowing what you want

1 part of knowing who you wish to be

1 part of knowing what you already have

 1 part of choosing wisely from what you have

1 part of loving and thanking for ALL you have


Combine ingredients together gently and carefully, using faith and vision.

Mix together with strong belief of the outcome until finely blended.

Use thoughts, words and actions for best results.

Bake until Blessed.

 Give thanks again




Though shoveling snow can be hazardous to your health, shoveling also burns from 500 to 900 calories per hour. You'll be the skinniest person in your hospital ward.


Why is turkey a good holiday food?

You can gobble it up!

Keep that sunshine in your heart and warm up all those you meet with a




Anonymous said...

OH yeah We got some spits of sno wyesterday and some on the way today I so want a white thanksgiving lOL Happy Thanksgiving

Anonymous said...

It will be 72 degrees here in California tomorrow but a chance of rain on Friday...
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Linda :)