Sunday, November 6, 2005



Give me a grateful heart, Lord,

For each small favor granted,

As years unfold, may I behold

Life, still, through eyes enchanted.



 Let me find beauty in all things,

Not to be blind to see

The goodness in my fellowman,

That he would find in me



Grant that my ears remain attuned,

To hear the smallest sigh,

And may I lead a gentle touch,

To those less sure than I



Let me remember lessons learned,

To profit from the past,

And may I build a bridge of dreams,

That shall forever last



Let me rejoice in simple things,

I need no wealth to buy,

The scent of pine upon the wind,

A burnished copper sky



Scarlet roses on the fence,

Sunrise through the trees -

Oh, Grant that I may not outgrow

Affinity for these!



Give me a grateful heart, Lord;

Let me be satisfied,

When days are less than sunny,

And plans lie at low tide



Life is an adventure,

That will lead to who knows where,

So, give me a grateful heart, Lord,

That I may always care.

Author Unknown


Good Morning !

I woke up to the weather radio giving an alert for severe thunderstorms.  We'll have high winds and rain today.  Tonite it'll drop back down to the low 40's.  Yesterday I was able to turn off the furnace and open a window.  Tonight the furnace will be going back on.

Today is the day to Bless your Spririt ! R&R to get us through another work week !

Take good care all !

Try to keep a smile on your face and sunshine in your heart !




 Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more.

 If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never,

ever have enough

Oprah Winfrey


I found these cute graphics at

Suzy Zoo




Anonymous said...

eayh we woke up to a flash of lightning and some thunder and its nice and a tornado watch but I feel comfortable. I love this peom.

Anonymous said...

We've had the winds yesterday, today the heavens opened. Oh, I long for Spring.Take care.
Sylvia xx

Anonymous said...

Wonderful graphics!! I love Suzy Zoo...
Have a blessed Sunday!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Good morning. I love the poem. Wish I knew who wrote it. Your entries are always a delight to read. I look forward to  your entries.
Hugs, love & prayers,