Friday, November 4, 2005


The wind that makes music in

November corn is in a hurry.

The stalks hum,

the loose husks whisk skyward

in half-playing swirls,

and the wind hurries on....

A tree tries to argue,

bare limbs waving,

but there is no detaining the wind.

Aldo Leopold




It was very windy yesterday and a lot of leaves were blowing down and all around...but it was warm - almost close to 70 degrees.  This is the last day of sunshine for the week.  They say rain moves in tomorrow. 

The little black cat that sits on my lap purring every morning says she doesn't care...she's inside all the time anyway.  I guess you'd call it a controlled environmnet. 

Enjoy your FRIDAY !  May it be filled with Sunshine and Smiles !





Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it

William Arthur Ward





graphics by:  


Anonymous said...

Love the photos, very cute!!  We've been having temps in the upper 60's but they say we're to hit the low 80's this weekend.  Crazy, crazy November weather.  Enjoy your weekend!

Anonymous said...

cutie pies in those photos. OH I wish we had some more rain and cool temps. its a bit warm for me. BUT I WIll be happy if its upper fifities and cloudy )NOT rainY, for my all day girls shopping trip next week. that just puts me in the mood. Of course when I finally get to the malll the last half of the day I LL just pretend LOL so if it can do that the first half of the day before we eat then I ll be fine.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a terrific day. It's windy here and raining too.
Cute pics.