Sunday, November 27, 2005


I use to have a Comfort Zone

Where I knew I couldn't fail

The same four walls of busy work

Were really more like jail.

I longed so much to do the things

I'd never done before,

But I stayed inside my Comfort Zone

And paced the same old floor

I said it didn't matter,

That I wasn't doing much

I said I didn't care for things

Like diamonds, furs and such

I claimed to be so busy

With the things inside my zone,

But deep inside I longed for

Something special of my own.

I couldn't let my life go by,

Just watching others win.

I held my breath and stepped outside

 And let the change begin.

I took a step and with new strength

I'd never felt before, I

 kissed my Comfort Zone goodbye

And closed and locked the door.

If you are in a Comfort Zone,

Afraid to venture out,

Remember that all winners were

At one time filled with doubt.

A step or two and words of praise,

Can make your dreams come true.

Greet your future with a smile,

Success is there for you!

With God's grace you can make it!

Author: Unknown





I cannot believe it is SUNDAY already.

Busy Busy days and many more to come. So as usual I'm taking some time out this morning and going to church. Remember to BLESS YOUR SPIRIT in some way today too.

We need that more than ever these days. Maybe that is why we have Advent. A time of preparation and hope.




Beauty abounds during winter. It's a different beauty than the lush spread of summer, but its beauty is indisputable. The illuminated sky on a winter night reflects the spotless snow for miles on end, producing an almost ethereal glow. Close examination of the humble snowflake reveals its incomprehensible intricacy -- it is a pattern within a pattern, created by omnipotent Genius for our viewing pleasure. And face it snow could have been black, grey, or brown, with utterly different results. The pure white is definitely uplifting.


It is raining here this morning and our snow will be melting and we will once again be in the 50's by Tuesday. However, the snow will be back with more cold temps soon. Of that there is no doubt. Winter in Northern Ohio begins in November and lasts til April .

May our dear Lord bless your with lots of SUNSHINE in your heart and a ***BIG SMILE*** today !


An unlit candle gives no light,

Only when burning,

 is it shining bright,

And if life is empty, dull, and dark,

It's doing things for others

that gives the needed spark


Today light up someone's life and you'll generate happiness for yourself


graphics by:  


Anonymous said...

Lovely entry.  Wish I could get to church but I do pray in my own home.  Next time you visit church, say one for me please. I could do with feeling better than I do.  Have a blessed Sunday.

Anonymous said...

AH I wish we had snow. I love the pics of your fur babies. they are so precious and your decorations are so nice. I love apine candle int he winter.

Anonymous said...

The snow is so pretty!  You are lucky to have had your first winter burst of white already, I wish we would have had ours.  Beautiful decorations!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the the pics of the dogs...I will be going to get my spirit renewed and worship this morning too.  Rainy type of day here.  Not hard rain, mostly cloudy and looks like a little mist.

Anonymous said...

I loved your pictures and your nice entry today. I got a little advent prayer book at church today I will look at in a quiet corner and I was shopping a bit today and thinking how nice it is to shop for presents... I have 24 to buy for so they aren't big but it is still fun... maybe more fun :) Sandra

Anonymous said...

Dogprints in the snow...
Linda :)