Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I love hearing the words "Thank you."

There is something so delightful, magical, and joyful in those words. They carry with them the wonderful power to uplift a heart, brighten a day, and fill a soul with bliss.

They connect us one to another with their beauty and strengthen the bonds between us always .... Those words remind me always that I am still helping others and making the world a better and more loving place with the thousand little things I do everyday.

 I try to say "Thank you" myself whenever I can. I want those around me and all the people I meet to know that I am grateful for the good things they do, the kindness they share, and the help they give.

I want those people to know that they are appreciated and that they are of so much value to this world and everyone in it.

Everyone of us, after all, is a wonderful soul who is capable of sharing so much love and joy in our lives. We all deserve a thank you now and then.

May all of us then start each day with a heartfelt: "Thank you God for my life."

May all of us fill ourselves with His wonderful love and endless joy.

May all of us share His goodness and light with the world.

May all of us live a life full of love, joy, and "Thank you’s."

from a reflection by Joseph J. Mazzella


I just read where Indian Summer is supposed to be the 11-20 of November. It must be true here in Northern Ohio as yesterday I could go out without a coat on.

I had worn my layers to work and the coat was the first to go. I did take the sweater off inside but had to put it back on when I went out.

Last week it was blustery and freezing. The next few days are supposed to be in the upper 50's so I guess this is truly our Indian Summer. It did rain a lot Monday, we'll see what today brings.


I am listening to some beautiful music right now.

Just hearing it brings joy to my soul and a smile to my face.

The wind blows the wind chimes on my front porch and I can hear them as I sit at my computer.

Thank you Lord, for for my life, and for the 'music' you bless us with each day.


Warm a heart with a hug! It will warm yours too

May JOY find your HEART and warm your SOUL.




graphics by: 


Anonymous said...

Yes I agree Thankyou is so gratifing to hear, and easy to say ,best with a smile added ,enjoy the indian summer ...love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Yes it is pretty good weather here today Thankyou Dear Lord.I have just been for a little short walk,to take in some wonderful sea air.I am feeling much better today,and better still now I have read your wonderful words.Thankyou.I am always grateful of your words.They realy do help.Have a lovely day,once again thankyou for your delightful posting and beautiful graphics too.I will now go say thankyou to all my followers in comments,as well as yourself for your kind well wishes.Have a lovely day.Take Care God Bless Kath
astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES

Anonymous said...

we are getting a tad of rian post to be more later they say but they have said that before. yesits warmer this week. long was dont see 70' 80's and 90's I ll be okay

Anonymous said...

I totally agree that "Thank You" are very important words, it was an automatic when I was in retail and I encompass it my personal life as well.  Our storm is over and now it's showers and sunbreaks for the week, and a little bit colder I believe.  Have a good day.  Thank you for your entries every morning, if look forward to them.  Joni

Anonymous said...

Yes "Thank you" is a nice saying. Took our little 5 year old grand-daughter out to eat Sunday and when I asked her if she wanted something she said.. "No thank you."  lol Have a wonderful week with blessings, Janie