Thursday, October 18, 2007


Every day I live I see

How great the world God made for me.

The ever changing seas and skies,

The birds and all the butterflies.

The rainbow high above the trees,

Just to think, God gave me these.

He made the rows of yellow corn,

The sunrise on a winter morn,

Frosty windowpanes that glow

Reflecting light upon the snow.

Spider webs outlined in dew,

The dear Lord even made these, too.

The world is full of everything

Man needs to cause his heart to sing.

Every day I live I find

Beauty of a different kind,

For God, it's very plain to see,

Outdid Himself for you and me.

Author Unknown

Wishing you a beautiful day. . .


We’ve all heard that old saying that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. People are always trying to find new and different things to do. In reality, what most of us have is the same old things day in and day out.

We need to appreciate and be thankful for what we’ve been given instead of always looking over the fence to see what’s there.

TODAY IS THANKFUL THURSDAY so here is my list for this week.

I’m thankful for the sunrise each day as it comes and the blessings that each day holds.

I’m thankful for my family and friends

I’m thankful for my good health and that of my family

I’m thankful for each sunset in the evening and a good night's rest.


Remember that today is all we have

Remember today that you are alive.

Sometimes we tend to forget.

You have a purpose that is all your own.

No one else is you.

You have dreams and hopes and desires.

Listen to your heart for a while.

Remember today all the blessings you have.

There's beauty in every direction you look.

Enjoy the abundance that is already yours.

The world is a wonderful place and you're here.

Remember today that you get what you give.

Your world is a mirror of your inner self.

Love will be yours when you give it away.

Remember today that life is creation.

As long as you live you can always

contribute your own special voice.

Remember today is a special time.

Make the best of it while you can.



May JOY find your heart and warm your soul




Anonymous said...

its really hard for some to even realizethye are the type to look over the fence. I think you have to realize that is your problem. my mom she cant see that her negativivity is caused by her thinking that EVERYONE else has it better the pity me "why is everybody always pickin on me"???? syndrome is due to you think everyone else has it better. She constantly looks at my dads negative faults and thinks everyone elses husband is so much better than hers. What I often say is when we find out someone has a bad marriage or has dealt with some bad things I say see you alwasy envived that person and she says........ she never complained and you would have never known. I said that is right!!!!!!!  you never knew becuase SHE NEVER COMPLAINED!!!!!!  she looked at the cherrier side of life. the good he had and loved him in spite of his faults

Anonymous said...

I always try to be comfortable with whatever comes my way each day.No use trying to do any other.Whatever will be will be so accept our blessings and get on with what we have.I get frustrated many's the time with things in my life yes,but then when I contemplate what I have I mellow very quickly and I am gratful and very thankful.Have a lovely day.Lovely graphics, lovely words, once again thankyou for sharing them.May joy find your heart and warm your soul too.Take Care God Bless Kath

Anonymous said...

Yes, we all have a lot to be thankful for.  Beautiful entry...many hugs and love

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful poem and ever so true. Wonderful entry... have a wonderful day, Janie

Anonymous said...

Beautiful entry. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Yet another entry full of wisdom ,you certainly make me think Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness....what a beautiful entry & every word so true.  I think that we're all guilty of looking over that fence from time to time....I think it's just human nature to do that.  But you are absolutely right....we need to take the time to be thankful for what we have!!!

Thank you so much for this entry!!  It just makes you stop & think.


Anonymous said...

Hi there.  Hope that the week is going well for you.  My chiggers and I hope that you have a nice Friday and a nice weekend.  LOL  

Anonymous said...

Very nice words to live by, Joni.

Anonymous said...

Very nice words to live by, Joni.