Tuesday, October 16, 2007



I hope that I will always be for each person what he or she needs me to be.

I hope that each person's death will diminish me, but that fear of my own will never diminish my joy of life

I hope that my love for those whom I like will never lessen my love for those whom I do not

I hope that another person's love for me will never be a measure of my love for him or her.

I hope that everybody will accept me as I am, but that I never will.

I hope that I will always ask for forgiveness from others, but will never need to be asked for my own . . .

I hope that I will always recognize my limitations, but that I will construct none.

I hope that loving will always be my goal, but that love will never be my idol.

I hope that everyone will always have hope.

"I Hope" by Henri Nouwen

Henri, Robert (1865-1929), American painter, art educator, and mentor of the group of painters known as The Eight. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio


I am a HOPEFUL person for sure. I think that if we are hopeful we also have purpose to our lives. A friend and I were discussing someone she knew that had a complete change in attitude because she’d been given some hope.

Disappointments, ill health, broken relationships, bad news of any kind can all take away hope if we let it.

Don’t let it. Don’t be afraid to hope.

As the days hurry on toward November and the holidays, I tend to get a little down sometimes. Many of us who have lost loved ones remember them especially during the Holidays.

I’m going to be doing a lot of ‘shaking it off’ for the next few months and will be encouraging all of you to do the same. There is so much to be thankful for and so much to look forward to, that I’m not going to let anyone or anything take my hope away!

The falling leaves drift by the window

The autumn leaves of red and gold

I see your lips, the summer kisses

The sun-burned hands I used to hold

Since you went away the days grow long

And soon Ill hear old winters song

But I miss you most of all my darling

When autumn leaves start to fall

 Thought for Today

May every sunrise hold more promise,

every moonrise hold more peace.


 May JOY find your heart and warm your soul




graphics by:  www.untilthengraphics.com



Anonymous said...

I must remember to stay hopeful  especially in January when they are going to dig up my road for 5 months to put in new drains, then when they finish that, dig it up again to put new gas pipes in.  I will be hoping it will not be as bad as it sounds. LOL!!
Jenny <><

Anonymous said...

I continue to hope all the time.I never give up,though I do have many times I could.Like you I will not let them downs win over me.I hope more when I have been to your journal,so yes you are helping people with your hopes too.Thankyou for sharing your words,they do help plenty many days.Lovely posting lovely words .Have a lovely Tuesday.I hope you get a few smiles and the weather is perfect for you.Take Care God Bless Kath
astoriasand http://joirurnals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES

Anonymous said...

yup try and brush the dust off our rumps and move on other wise you get trampled by the bull

Anonymous said...

Hope is exactly what I need at this time of my life.  Lotta changes going on here.
http://journals.aol.com/mrsm711/LatteDah/   Tracy