"You win some, you lose some."
To be sure, we all know what it means to have good days and bad days. Sometimes it all seems out of our hands. We do have responsibility to live as best we can, and then we can leave the rest to God.
God's purpose over all is to redeem our days, both good and bad. Have you ever just completely messed up? It’s called “losing face.” It feels awful. You wish you could take everything back and start over - but you can’t
Filled with images of hope, we are reminded that God will silence the roar of the ocean and calm the noise that we’ve created through our actions. God does hear our cries for help! God is stronger than any mess we create and the promise of hope is true - no matter what.
O give thanks to the Lord, for God is good; for God's steadfast love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, those God redeemed from trouble.
From Psalm 107
From one of the devotions I read daily
Well now I’ve got two bedrooms all ready and have just one more to go. Then I’ll clean up abit around the rest of the house and all will be ready.
My old house is surely nothing fancy and it’s full (did I say full) of all kinds of old stuff. It doesn’t bother me nor my children that it is the way it is, but when you have curious 3 and 4 year old little boys coming to visit, you’d better have things picked up for sure.
Thankfully the weather looks like it will be good for the travelers. We were supposed to get rain Thursday, but I see that the weather has changed and now we probably won’t have any til MAYBE next Monday
It is OVER THE HUMP Day and now we’ll be sliding right into the weekend. My work is starting to slow down already. Just a few weeks of cold or rainy weather will do that as the work they do is mostly outside.
I’m a little relieved as it has been very hectic there all summer long. Taking Friday off won’t be any problem as my work will all be done for the week when I leave Thursday. That’s a good feeling.
Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy, you can't build on it; it's only good for wallowing in.
Katherine Mansfield
May JOY find your HEART and warm your SOUL.
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