Wednesday, October 31, 2007


"You win some, you lose some."

To be sure, we all know what it means to have good days and bad days. Sometimes it all seems out of our hands. We do have responsibility to live as best we can, and then we can leave the rest to God.

God's purpose over all is to redeem our days, both good and bad. Have you ever just completely messed up? It’s called “losing face.” It feels awful. You wish you could take everything back and start over - but you can’t

Filled with images of hope, we are reminded that God will silence the roar of the ocean and calm the noise that we’ve created through our actions. God does hear our cries for help! God is stronger than any mess we create and the promise of hope is true - no matter what.

O give thanks to the Lord, for God is good; for God's steadfast love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, those God redeemed from trouble.

From Psalm 107

From one of the devotions I read daily


Well now I’ve got two bedrooms all ready and have just one more to go. Then I’ll clean up abit around the rest of the house and all will be ready.

My old house is surely nothing fancy and it’s full (did I say full) of all kinds of old stuff. It doesn’t bother me nor my children that it is the way it is, but when you have curious 3 and 4 year old little boys coming to visit, you’d better have things picked up for sure.

Thankfully the weather looks like it will be good for the travelers. We were supposed to get rain Thursday, but I see that the weather has changed and now we probably won’t have any til MAYBE next Monday

It is OVER THE HUMP Day and now we’ll be sliding right into the weekend. My work is starting to slow down already. Just a few weeks of cold or rainy weather will do that as the work they do is mostly outside.

I’m a little relieved as it has been very hectic there all summer long. Taking Friday off won’t be any problem as my work will all be done for the week when I leave Thursday. That’s a good feeling.


Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy, you can't build on it; it's only good for wallowing in.

Katherine Mansfield

May JOY find your HEART and warm your SOUL.




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Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Anything that is too rigid can be quickly fractured by sufficient force. By contrast, anything that is flexible can experience blow after blow from every direction and still keep springing back into place.

When you're willing and able to bend, you're much less likely to break. By adapting to changing situations, you can successfully make your way through even the most difficult challenges. Being flexible does not mean giving in or giving up or being any less firm or being any less committed to the outcome you seek.

Being flexible means being more understanding, more creative, more open to new and better ways of achieving the results you wish to achieve. A tree that bends with the wind does not get carried off by the wind, but in fact stands firmly in its location.

Flexibility enables you to remain strong, to remain true to your position, and to successfully handle whatever challenges come along. If you're overly rigid, you may appear strong on the surface, yet any kind of strength that is not willing or able to adapt is extremely vulnerable.

Seek to develop real and lasting strength, the kind that is flexible enough to respond to a wide variety of challenges. Be steadfast about your most treasured values, and flexible about how you express and fulfill them.

With a firm will and a flexible approach, truly great things are possible.

Ralph Marston

Good Morning !

Hope you all are wide awake and ready for a new day. I sure am. After work yesterday I did manage to get 1 of the four beds made up with fresh sheets for my weekend company and that’s about it. At this rate I may just get donein time.

My boss let me switch one of my Christmas vacation days to this coming Friday, so that I’ll be able to be home for a long weekend and enjoy my company. Of course, at Christmas time I’ll have a long weekend end there too, as Christmas is on Tuesday I’ll have Monday off for another vacation day.

The next 2 months are going to fly by faster than ever.



Life can seem ungrateful ~ and not always kind.

Life can pull at your heartstrings ~ and play with your mind.

Life can be blissful ~ and happy and free.

Life can put beauty ~ in the things that you see.

Life can place challenges ~ right at your feet.

Life can make good ~ of the hardships that we meet.

Life can overwhelm you ~ and make your head spin.

Life can reward those ~ determined to win.

Life can be hurtful ~ and not always fair.

Life can surround you ~ with people who care.

Life clearly does offer ~ its ups and its downs.

Life's days can bring you ~ both smiles and frowns.

Life teaches us to take ~ the good with the bad.

Life is a mixture ~ of happy and sad.


Take the life that you have ~ and give it your best.

Think positive, be happy ~ let God do the rest.

Take the challenges ~ that life has laid at your feet.

Take pride and be thankful ~ for each one you meet.

To yourself give forgiveness ~ if you stumble and fall.

Take each day that is dealt you ~ and give it your all.

Take the love that you're given ~ and return it with care.

Have faith that when needed ~ it will always be there.

Take time to find the beauty ~ in the things that you see.

Take life's simple pleasures ~ let them set your heart free.

The idea here is simply ~ to even the score.

As you are met and faced with Life's Tug Of War.

May JOY find your heart and warm your soul




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Monday, October 29, 2007



By: Thomas Jefferson

1. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

2. Never trouble another for what you can do yourself.

3. Never spend your money before you have it.

4. Never buy what you do not want because it is cheap; it will never be dear to you.

5. Pride costs us more than hunger, thirst, and cold.

6. Never repent of having eaten too little.

7. Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly.

8. Don't let the evils which have never happened cost you pain.

9. Always take things by their smooth handle.

10. When angry, count to ten before you speak; if very angry, count to one hundred.


I had some good news last night. DS#4 and his family will be coming home and will be here THURSDAY EVENING. Now I’ll have to think about what’s for dinner??? They will be here just til Monday morning and then leave for home.

This is an unexpected visit as DD is having her graduation party from her Dental School on Saturday. We are all very proud of her for doing this. She’s a certified Dental Assistant (or Technician – I’m not sure of the title) now and already has a job. So I guess DS#4 wanted to be able to celebrate with her.

That’s one thing I must say about my babes – they do support each other whether it’s a celebration or a disappointment, they pretty much hang together when at all possible. That is what FAMILY is all about for sure.

The Newlyweds will also be home so I’ll be having a full house this weekend. Wow! I’ll be spending this week getting ready for them all. The house is topsy turvy right now and I’ll have lots to do.

How’s that for a surprise? I never know from one day to the next what the good Lord will provide. And I really do believe it is all in His plan. I’m flexible and will go with the flow. Right now though I’ve got to finish getting ready and

I owe ,I owe

Off to Work I go…



Wouldn't this old world be better,

If the folks we meet would say:

I know something good about you,

And then treat us just that way!

Wouldn't it be fine and dandy,

If each hand-clasp warm and true

Carried with it this assurance --

I know something good about you!

Wouldn't things here be more pleasant,

If the good that's in us all

Were the only things about us

That folks bothered to recall!

Wouldn't life be lots more happy

If we'd praise the good we see!

For there's such a lot of goodness

In the worst of you and me.

Wouldn't it be nice to practice

This fine way of thinking too;

You know something good about me,

I know something good about you! 

 Author Unknown

May JOY find your heart and warm your soul!



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Sunday, October 28, 2007


O God, We thank you for this earth, our home;

for the wide sky and the blessed sun,

for the ocean and streams, for the towering hills

and the whispering wind, for the trees and green grass.

We thank you for our senses by which we hear

the songs of birds, and see the splendor of fields

of golden wheat, and taste autumn's fruit,

rejoice in the feel of snow, and smell the breath of spring

flowers. Grant us a heart opened wide to all this beauty;

and save us from being so blind that we pass unseeing

when even the common thorn bush is aflame with your glory.

For each new dawn is filled with infinite possibilities

for new beginnings and new discoveries.

Life is constantly changing and renewing itself.

In this new day of new beginnings with God,

all things are possible. We are restored and renewed

in a joyous awakening to the wonder that our lives are

and, yet, can be.



It’s R & R day once more. I’ve been taking it easy and enjoying the good cup of hot coffee this morning ! The car is home and working well and even though it’s a bit wet and chilly , we now have beautiful fall colors on the trees to brighten things up.

As you can see in the pictures above.  My camping babes have got their campers all set for next years camping season.  They moved to a different camp ground and right there next to them is a spot all reserved for me.  I am so excited at  the prospects of camping again.  I will purchase a camper and put it on this spot.  They had to winterize their campers and closed up for the season.  But we are all eagerly awaiting next Spring.

I spent some time this weekend with my Christmas gift shopping as I’m trying to get ahead of the monumental task I’m facing. As of last count my children, their spouses and their children now add up to about 24 people, plus I have friends and relatives that I like to give a gift to.

I’ll be off to church soon and I will be praying for all of you and thanking the good Lord for His many blessings. Have a great Sunday all and don’t forget to get a little R & R time in for yourself as well.


Tires for Life's Rough Roads

To learn how to grieve, to let go and to move on think about automobile tires.

The first tires were made of solid rubber. They were made to be tough and hard so that nothing one encountered on the road would damage them. As you can imagine not only was the ride rough, but the tires were very soon torn to shreds.

Then they adopted another approach and made the tires soft and pliable, filled with air. They receive the shocks into themselves and then spring back. Those are the kind of tires we ride on today.

Men and women may appear soft and vulnerable, but it is a strength that can take life's blows and spring back again.

May JOY find your heart and warm you soul.




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Saturday, October 27, 2007


Q. Why does Halloween come in October?

A. Because that's when the candy corn gets ripe.

Q: What do you get when you drop a pumpkin?

A: Squash.

Q: Why did the vampire go to the orthodontist?

A: To improve his bite...

Q: What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman?

A:  Frostbite...

My treat - some jokes

My trick - A BIG SMILE

It's infectious you know!

'On Ya' - ma


TODAY is a most unusual day,

because we have never lived it before;

we will never live it again;

it is the only day we have.

TODAY can be a healthy unusual day for you—

and for others—if you take time to give someone a smile…

to express a word of kindness…to lend a helping hand

to someone in write a note of gratitude…

to give a word of encouragement to someone

who is temporarily overcome with problems…

to share a portion of your material possessions with others.

LOSE YOURSELF in generous service

and every day can be a most unusual day,

a triumphant day, an abundantly rewarding day!

William Arthur Ward


I hope all is well with all of you today and that you will have a most ‘unusual ‘ day today too.

As I’m just starting to wake up here and am sipping my good coffee, I really have no unusual plans. I guess we’ll just see what the day brings.

I got home with the ‘loaner’ car from the repair shop last night and will go get the car when they call . Other wise I’m home and have lots to do here.

It is a chilly one here and there is a nip in the air.  It's funnny how things smell differently in the changing seasons. 


Every morning when you wake up,

you are given another day of life.

This gift of life is precious.

To say that it’s precious is

really a colossal understatement.

Being alive is more valuable

than anything else that one can own and possess.

The greater your appreciation for being alive,

the more enthusiastic you will be

when you wake up each morning.

Your Creator gives you life this moment for a reason.

Your life is purposeful.

Just imagine the enthusiasm you are

going to experience when you realize that the Creator

and Sustainer of the universe is saying to you,

"I am giving you life this very moment.  Appreciate it."

Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

Cherish your yesterdays;

Dream your tomorrows;

But live your todays.


May JOY find your Heart and warm your Soul.



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Friday, October 26, 2007




I come to MEET YOU GOD,

and as I linger here

I seem to feel YOU very near.

A rustling leaf…a rolling slope…

Speaks to my heart of endless hope


The waking birdlings as they fly


Are telling me I’VE JUST MET YOU !

And gently thus the day is born

And NIGHT gives way to breaking morn

And once again I’ve MET YOU GOD

And worshipped on your HOLY SOD





Helen Steiner Rice


It is FINALLY FRIDAY and it’s going to be a great day. Next week is Halloween already. Where did October go too?

Halloween is always the kick off for my rush to get it all done before Christmas . I’ve used this plan for several years now and it always seems to work out.

Here’s the plan in a pumpkin-shell:

Phase 1: Gift Shopping and Wrapping 8 weeks before:

Shop for and wrap 1/3 of your gifts

7 weeks before: Shop for and wrap 2/3 of your gifts

6 weeks before: Finish shopping and wrapping gifts

5 weeks before: Start planning for Thanksgiving

Phase 2: Decorations, Cards, and Mailings

4 weeks before: Put up outdoor decorations and write Christmas cards

3 weeks before: Set up Christmas tree an decorate indoors. Mail cards and gifts

Phase 3 Celebrations, Cooking and Cleaning

2 weeks before: Attend and host parties. Bake and clean

1 week before: Grocery shop for Christmas meals; make final preparations for the big day

Christmas Week: Celebrate Christmas and Enjoy!

New Year’s Day Take down decorations, write thank-you notes, and start the New Year fresh.

8 weeks before Christmas – you guessed it, Halloween! When you use Halloween to trigger your holiday preparations (instead of Thanksgiving), you have plenty of time to get everything done.

 I need to be starting soon! Now all I need are some ideas of what to get for my family and I’ll be all set. Seems they aren’t very forthcoming with ideas so I’ll probably wind up using my imagination and then they’ll be stuck with something they really didn’t want.


Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment.

Mahatma Gandhi

May JOY find your heart and warm your soul




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Thursday, October 25, 2007


Put it before them briefly so they will read it,

clearly so they will appreciate it,

picturesquely so they will remember it and,

above all, accurately so they will be guided by its light.

Joseph Pulitzer


As I was looking for some little trinket of wisdom for my journal today, I came across the quote above and now here it is for you all to read too.

Isn’t that what we all try to do in our journals? We enter brief little stories of our days and try to make it clear to all just what is going on in our lives. We display all kinds of pictures of our families, our trips, our homes, our pets and also some beautiful graphics. And I for one hope to bring a little sunshine in to my readers lives  each day.

Maybe we are not prize winners of the famous ‘Pulitzer’ but each and every journal I read so dear to me. Often when I get home from work I pull up my email and there will be the journal entry alerts in my mail box. I’m thankful for them and being able to keep in touch with so many.

Thankful Thursday is today so here’s my list for the week.

I’m thankful that a few of the draught areas are finally getting a little rain

I’m thankful that the winds are dying down a bit in California and that they are getting the much needed help

I’m thankful that we live in a caring world and have people like the Red Cross volunteers that come in and help those in need.

As always, I’m thankful for my family and friends that send a little sunshine my way.


Seeds of discouragement will not grow in the thankful heart.


May JOY find your heart and warm your soul!



Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Soon as the leaves heard the wind's loud call,

Down they came fluttering, one and all;

Over the brown fields they danced and flew,

Singing the glad little songs they knew.

George Cooper


The only bright spot in the day yesterday was the changing leaves on the trees. It was dark , cloudy and wet the whole day. Today it’s supposed to stop raining, but I don’t think we’ll be seeing a whole lot of sunshine.

It’s Over the Hump Day and we’ll be sliding into the weekend once more. I have to drop my car at the service department for the repairs once again and that’ll be wasting another Saturday for me. I just hope they get it all fixed this time. They should have done it last time I was there as I’d asked them to check out everything, Guess they don’t know what everything includes. What a bother.

Nothing else really going on but I do love my weekends.


Sing to the Lord a new song,

sing to the Lord all the whole earth,

sing to the Lord and bless his name,

sing and bless his name.

Proclaim thegood news from day to day.

Declare his glory among the nations,

and the wonders among all peoples.

Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness,

let the whole earth tremble before him.

He will judge the world with righteousness

and the peoples with his truth.

Sing to the Lord a new song,

sing to the Lord and bless his name.

Psalm 96:1-3, 9, 13

May JOY fill your heart and warm your soul.





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Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Strange is our situation here upon earth.

Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why,

yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose.

From the standpoint of daily life, however,

there is one thing we do not know:

that people are here for the sake of other people.

Albert Einstein


I think the toughest day of week is over now and the rest should be pretty easy. Monday’s are always slow going for me. Hopefully, I’ll pick up some speed today.

We had such a beautiful day yesterday. All our trees are finally starting to turn color now and with the bright blue sky we had it was awesome. Today is a totally different story though, weather wise it’s chilly, wet and downright gloomy out.

When I think of the states like California (with wild fires) and Georgia (with draught conditions) I just wish we could share some of our rain with them. They need it desperately.  I do hope you’ll join me in praying for them that they’ll be blessed with much needed rain and the help to get them over their difficulties.

Our great earth is full of so much water it does seem there should be a way to spread it around for those in need. Every day things like rain, that we who have it take for granted, are such precious commodities.


Unless we can hear each other singing and crying,

unless we can comfort each other's failures

and cheer each other's victories,

we are missing out on the best that life has to offer.

The only real action takes place

on the bridge between people.

Author Unknown

Life can be hard.

Help another person take it easy.

I am here for you.

You are here for me.

We are here for others.

May JOY find your heart and warm your soul!




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