Tuesday, March 6, 2007


What’s hope?

Hope is knowing that a positive outcome awaits. Hope is not only expecting a dream to come true, but having a deep assurance that it's within your reach.

Hope is saying you can. Hope is knowing that you can improve and that you always get better with practice. Hope is knowing that you can achieve your goals through hard work and persistence.

Hope is looking to the future with joy and having an expectation of better things to come. Hope is the knowledge that life is everlasting, and that miracles happen every day.

Hope is something that never abandons you. Even when your life is filled with sadness and disappointment, a spark remains inside to help you get through the rough times.

Hope is one of God's greatest gifts to you, because it's the magic that inspires you to keep trying, learning, loving, and living.

Author Unknown

Today, I wish you simple joy that lasts, love that won't end, blessings to be shared, courage to achieve your dreams, and beautiful moments to remember.


I am a ‘hopeful’ person. There is always something to hope for it seems. Lately we’ve been hoping for Spring around here. I’m really ready for warmth and sunshine !

There are many, many other things that I hope and pray for too. I always believe that even though we have circumstances in our lives that are unfavorable, like the cold and snow coming our way today, there is always hope. . Each new day brings the hope of great and wondrous things .

Thought for Today

We need spring. We need it desperately and, usually, we need it before God is willing to give it to us. 

Peter Gzowski

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !



Anonymous said...

Without Hope where would one be.We must have hope.I am hopeful Spring is round the corner too.It seems this winter to me as been like a lifetime.The sun is shining a little here this morning after the gales in the night.I hope I can pass some across the ocean to you.Lovely posting once more.I hope you get a few smiles today too.I also hope everyone around the world feels a little better today than yesterday.Take Care God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Sorry the box closed on me so quickly.The last comment from
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES

Anonymous said...

Yes hope is a wonderful thing to have. I hope you have a lovely day ..love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

ah yes snow be goneand sun and warmth come on

Anonymous said...

Today, I'm hoping for Spring right along with you.......I can't believe I said that. : ) You see, the winds are so bad here that I never got to sleep at all. I was scared these old windows were going to come off and come flying through the room. All I heard all night was banging......hammering of the winds on the windows and it was so loud. Oh well, maybe I'll get a nap in later.

Stay warm,

Anonymous said...

I just love your outlook on life. You are such a lovely lady. It's no wonder you have managed to raise such decent good kids.  You really are a wonderful lady.

Anonymous said...

LOL I'm hopeful that spring will come and the cold weather will go away. Have a great hump day.

Anonymous said...

I think our spring is done... lol... I see a prediction of 88 degrees next Monday.....
Linda :)