Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Most of the battles

Of life are won

By looking beyond the clouds

To the sun.

Helen Steiner Rice

Today look beyond the clouds and you’ll find some rays of sunshine.


The long awaited day has arrived. Spring has sprung as they say.

In my life I’ve had many circumstances to look beyond the clouds and find those rays of sunshine.  I grasp at every little occasion to find those golden beams. Life is just too short to waste one moment on anything negative. Yes, the clouds come and go and sometimes we do need them, but if there is one thing I know….it’s that when it gets dark and all is bleak a glimmer of sunshine can brighten up the day.

I have to tell you about the highlight of my day yesterday. A while back my youngest sister and caregiver of my Dad, told me about an egg cooker that she had. I’ve looked all over for this and yes, I finally found one and I bought it.

It’s electric and will poach 4 eggs or hard or soft boil 7 eggs. And it does it perfectly every time. Now it will be much easier to make all those ‘deviled eggs’ I get called up to do when ever we have a family dinner.

When I got home from work, I promptly made 7 hard boiled eggs. It worked beautifully. I ate one for my supper and will have the rest for lunch during the week.

Little things in life do make me happy. Good thing I’ve got a job to go to this morning to pay for all those little gadgets that I don’t really need, but make life more fun.

I owe, I owe , it’s off to work I go.


Hope is not the closing of your eyes

to the difficulty, the risk, or the failure.

It is a trust that ... If I fail now...

I shall not fail forever;

and if I am hurt, I shall be healed.

It is a trust that life is good,

love is powerful,

and the future is full of promise.


May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !





Anonymous said...

you should share a picture of this egg cooker. I got two knew egg recipies for dveiled eggs. one had blue cheese and hot sauce mixed in with the mayo for buffalo deviled eggs one adds cream cheese in the mix witht hte mayo and they ar eboth great. We go in psurts for deviled eggs

Anonymous said...

Your egg cooker sounds great ,enjoy your eggs ,love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Yes....little things do make our lives so much easier! :o) I love Helen Steiner Rice. :o) Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Happy Spring to you too. Even if its a cloudy and cold day it is wonderful to look forward to warm sunny days isn't it... Sandra

Anonymous said...

Gadgets are fun. I love things like that. I must admit, I'm a gadget person. If it makes life easier, I love it.

Happy spring to you but it's around 38 here. LOL!


Anonymous said...

I`m glad your little gadget makes you happy! :)
I`m like that, too. Enjoying simple pleasures.