Sunday, March 18, 2007


Whenever there is happiness

Hope you'll be there too,

Wherever there are friendly smiles

Hope they'll smile on you,

Whenever there is sunshine,

Hope it shines especially for you

to make each day for you

as bright as it can be.

Irish Blessing

With the first light of sun....Bless you!

When the long day is done...Bless you!

In your smiles and your tears....Bless you!

Through each day of your years....Bless you!


Just a few more blessings for you all today. The Irish certainly have a lot of them to share.

R and R day has come once again and I need it badly. Hopefully I’ll be refreshed and renewed for another work week. I’ll be praying as always for all of you.

We are supposed to be warming uphere with temps in the 50’s by the end of the week, but you know Spring always bring us those showers and it looks like we’ll be getting a few of those too.

Thankfully they won’t be snow showers.



A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have.

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !





Anonymous said...

I love the four leaf clover one,love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

yeah i wish it did not have rain for so many days in a row thugh. ugh !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Goodmorning to you.  Today we have sunshine, rain, blue skies and clouds, high winds and it's cold.  Wish it would make its mind up.  Over here it is Mothering Sunday the day you are supposed to break your Lenten fast for the day and visit your mother church and parents bearing a simnal cake.  For girls that had gone into service this cake showed their mothers how much they had learned away from home.  ( This was centuries ago).  Today it is called Mother's Day and is just another commercial day to fleece people of their cash as they buy bunches of over priced flowers.  The religious has been lost.  Have i got cynical?
Jenny <><

Anonymous said...

I agree with finding a best friend!

Anonymous said...

We are dropping ten degrees today to 78 and rain on Tuesday...
Have a blessed Sunday!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

It's mighty cold here today. The weatherman said the temp would rise to the high 40s the end of the week. I like that. : )

Relax and enjoy your Sunday,

Anonymous said...

The showers usually bring a cleaner air and cleaner streets etc etc and the flowers and trees will start to bud out too so I will take a few .... like you said much better than snow showers. I can hardly wait for Spring.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for always remembering us in your prayers. Enjoy your Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a great Sunday.  Hugs.  Terry x